My Account Got Hacked Makeup Tutorial!

in makeup-tutorial •  9 years ago  (edited)


What's up guys?

I just made this super helpful and hot makeup tutorial to, ya know, help you let off some steam while you're remembering the horror affectionately called, my account got hacked. Now that our funds have been graciously returned by Ned and the Steemit team, we can all breathe a big sigh of relief and sort of let our hacking horrors out, group-style. These my account got hacked makeup tips are really trendy and hot, so make sure and jot down notes as you watch it, so you can feel free to go out on the town, hot makeup and all and not worry about your account being attacked again. Hint: always use your posting key to log in for posting and voting.

Let's just get to the meat of the tutorial, shall we? I think you'll learn a lot of magical and helpful tits, whoops! Freudian slip! Uh, I mean tips.


Wacky Watermelon Lipstick (Special Edition Psycho-Lite)
Dark Horse Indigo Eyeliner
Siphon Off Funds Hair Spray And Gel (Limited Edition)
Ray of Hope And Sunshine Yellow Eyeshadow
My Account is Back, Baby! Steemit Blue Eyeshadow

Additional Horror Provided By Dark Horse Salesmen

Well, there you have it! I like to keep some posts short and sweet.
I hope you all enjoyed yourselves. I'm still shaking from trying to log in after frantically changing my password (again).

Ciao Bella,

ps- Satoshi Nakamoto: Himitsu ga onegaishimasu.

@roelandp I have my eye on you!

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This is painfully funny!!! I love this video!
Your humor is the best!!
I think this is my favorite make up tutorial.

People need to definitely starting using a password vault, Make their password super complicated. Then Only use the posting key ! This is definitely not your typical email password! LoL

I'm so glad you were able to get your money back!!

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

On top of that though you should also update your email passwords too, with the amount of information people are sharing here... those could also become targets ..

Yeah true! redo passwords for EVERYTHING!

@stellabelle @kaylinart oh yeah this looks funny I am happy to see this video and you post, thank you for making this post

Read my post : Steemit 3D Text and Logo Makers

I think that already you are ready to go with them. lol

This is too perfect XDD Stellabelle looks just like that !! eheehehe

DISCLAIMER : Since this video might be too hard to watch for some people, I took the liberty of curating the best moments for everyone to enjoy without losing their mind while going down the rabbit hole with stellabelle.

Thank you for this @stellabelle. Thank you. Much, much laughs were had.

Also, I'm seriously thinking about remixing that thing. So many things going through my mind right now...

oh god! Please please do a remix! Thanks, I am glad you get my sense of humor.
I'm a shy grrrrllll trapped in a middle-aged woman's body......

Thanks, I am in humor. Please oh please, get my trapped woman in a shy remix! I'm a god-aged middle girl. You do sense of a glad body.

There, just remixed that for you!

It might not make any sense but, who cares...

No trapping remix problem because of glad body I's in god middle girl sense humor.
You, mix in me.

are you like my new bff? I thank you kindly for your fond comments! rabbit hole, fo sho!

sweet as spice.

HAHAHA! @stellabelle I freaking love you. That picture is hilarious!
I'm at work right now so I can't watch the video yet, but that's a hell of an eye-catching photo!

Hey, thank you. I mean it.

hehe quite so entertaining. This, I hope we get to see more of, finally something worth laughing at here :D

very nice. mama likes.

Great, keep upp the good work ;)

Thanks for the laughter Stellabella! Worth the read for it all, have a great day, keep your smile and take good care, thrive on! Namaste :)

Thank you so kindly for your warm regards.

Hi @stellabelle. So glad to see you here. I studied your technique and I think I found the secret.

damn i wish we had messages, because I cannot locate your last comment.
too bad we don't have holoportation on steemit and miniature sofas, then I could watch you talk on your miniature sofa and put you in my pocket (for a few minutes, only)

I bet it sucked trying to get all that shit off of your face haha. Funny shit @stellebelle

Steemit loves you!


I can do that too! But I don't have your funny type of personality! You will do well here on Steemit! Really really good! I have another type of humour, more techie :)

Oh, please make a new trending topic: "hot programmers".


Haha I do so love your makeup here and your eyeshadow walking around your community in your previous video. I am trying to take the idea and run with it maybe you may see someone with talent you wish to ask about secret writer posting. I'd be happy to give you a percentage of steem power each week (in a fair amount of steem dollars) for helping to promote from your account if you wish so it doesn't tie up any of your valuable time. I know you are so busy, but also I tried to rework my post about the loss of my dog and maybe you could give me a few pointers whenever you have a few minutes to read it. I wish I had your secret writer picture skills! Hope you have a blessed day @stellabelle Always telling new people and those that complain about lack of quality about your posts and @rok-sivante you too especially have touched my life even though I have had few conversations with @rok-sivante and are things that changed my life and view and everyone else should read too.

ah, good. my brain is too overloaded right now to deal with anything else.
i'm working on like 5 things at once and trying to pay all the secret writers........etc......
Plus, music videos are calling me...more absurdity too...

Understood. Ever though of hiring someone for a percentage of something so you can give more time to your passions? I'd hate to see you burn yourself out working yourself to the bone. You offer so much! It doesn't have to be me, but I'm sure someone would be happy to be your secretary and put together a checklist of things to do. Just an idea. I know you just have a hard work ethic anyway

funny video lol

Did someone forget to take their medication today?

ha ha ha ha! I don't have to take medication as this is my medication.

knock, knock.

I already opened the door, why did you knock my head?

Because I want to know what your true business is.

Making people laugh Stella. That's my favourite thing.

Comedy is serious business...

I did a video as well, it's here...

This still doesn't explain why you're riding a unicorn and stealing my pot plant.

Wow. Speechless.


That is insane. Great video.

bien sur. Je suis fou.


your funny and i like it

Something for my girlfriend. Hmm, I do not have a girlfriend yet hehe

Scarry in a funny way :) You are great, congrats!

thank you for your kind remarks.

@stellabelle, you're hilarious. I think this was how the Joker got his start! :)

peut-etre. arigatoo gozaimasu.

lol. This will also come in handy for my Insane Clown Posse concert (lies, no desire)

quand est-ce que tu vois Clown Posse?

hahahaha hilarious

thanks chitty. by the way, i never told you this, but i think your name 'chitty' is genius. I was jealous for a few days.

yes, my name is funny, its like to movie chitty chitty bang bang!! haha, weird that it is my actual surname, I sure had a hard time at school but I always liked it that it was different! lol

I hear that they're re-doing Stephen King's "It" as a movie - you might have landed yourself a part for the role of the clown ;)


  ·  9 years ago (edited)

OMG @stellabelle, you are so beautiful.
I bet it will not take long and we see the first merchandize coming out. I assume the original Dark Horse Inc push-up for freudian tits will be the hotest seller :-)

Freudian tits eh? Peut-etre, mon sweet.
"beautiful" to iu kotoba wa, omoshiroi desu neeeee. Thanks for saying that. I'll look hot in a different video with fake boobs soon enough. you just wait.
Ha! I'm ragged but I don't give any fucks anymore. This is as REALZ as it gets.

After this post I do not believe that anybody dares to hackear your account again XDD this it is a new way of safety.

One never knows, but stewing in a bathtub full of lukewarm fear is clearly not the way forward.
Purge, baby, purge.

Holy moly this is funny, @stellabelle! This reminds me of an early Cloris Leachman routine. You should try stand-up comedy...and write about it on Steemit.

i've wanted to do stand-up.....still working on the nerves.

You are hilarious!!!! Best video yet!!! Such artistic abilities lol

thank you kindly

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

madam you crazy! please don't ever change! :)

I can assure you, it's much too fucking late for me to change.
This is my REAL self....muahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

its hilarious!

Thanks for the chuckle. :-)

Give it up for "ray of hope" yellow! XD

yaaaaasssss! It really made my day seeing Ned's post about refunding our accounts!

Aaw! I love this! That was totally unexpected!

ah, now you're getting to know the "real" me.'s all I got:)

hi .. what can you like me to make up this?

I LOL'ed, your final form reminded me of a villager straight out of Cannibal Holocaust!

Is this good or bad?



War paint.. Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war!

People keep telling me I need to read the Art of War.
Looks like I'm living it. eh?