Original Flower View in Glass

in makrophotography •  7 years ago  (edited)

         Click on the image for a large view

Hallo Steemians.

Tonight I will discuss about the flower, which I combine with the art of makrophotography, this flower is not included in the ornamental flowers, but this flower that I get in a small forest in aceh, because the beauty of this flower, so I combine, these two arts, so when I am desains using camera tricks, to make it look beautiful.

Malam ini saya akan membahas tentang bunga, yang saya gabungkan dengan seni makrophotography, bunga ini tidak termasuk dalam bunga hias, tetapi bunga ini yang saya dapatkan di hutan kecil di aceh, karena keindahan bunga ini, jadi saya gabungkan , dua seni ini, jadi ketika saya mendesain menggunakan trik kamera, agar terlihat indah.

this technique is very easy, so, composing the blog glass , and put the flowers behind, so the reflection of bung through this glass is the material of my photo object, so that Steemians can see, and create, new artwork, in 2018, this macrophotography desirability, so that the Steemians, not bored with my other artwork, which I show on my blog post.

teknik ini sangat mudah, jadi, menyusun kaca blog, dan meletakkan bunga di belakang, sehingga pantulan bung melalui kaca ini adalah bahan dari objek foto saya, sehingga Steemian dapat melihat, dan membuat, karya seni baru, pada tahun 2018, keinginan makrophotografi ini, sehingga Steemian, tidak bosan dengan karya seni saya yang lain, yang saya tunjukkan di posting blog saya.

the flower that i photo is the flower that is, below :

bunga yang saya foto adalah bunga yang ada di bawah ini :

         Click on the image for a large view

the flower that is above this, it is already very beautiful, and looks perfectly, the type of makronya, but because it wants to look different from the others, that is what I show to all Steemians, although there is little effect that diphoto, I do not want to edit it, because will reduce the quality of the image later.

bunga yang ada di atas ini, itu sudah sangat indah, dan terlihat sempurna, jenis makronya, tetapi karena ingin terlihat berbeda dari yang lain, itulah yang saya tunjukkan kepada semua Steemian, meskipun ada sedikit efek yang diphoto, Saya tidak ingin mengeditnya, karena akan mengurangi kualitas gambar nantinya.

         Click on the image for a large view

on the flower picture above, the same as above, I modify in shooting, using glass block, but in this picture, I slightly polish the flowers behind the glass, to look soft from the side of color and shape, thus this type is very suitable , for a minimalist home, to look romantic.

bunga yang ada di atas ini, itu sudah sangat indah, dan terlihat sempurna, jenis makronya, tetapi karena ingin terlihat berbeda dari yang lain, itulah yang saya tunjukkan kepada semua Steemian, meskipun ada sedikit efek yang diphoto, Saya tidak ingin mengeditnya, karena akan mengurangi kualitas gambar nantinya.

         Click on the image for a large view


this is what I can convey in this evening's opportunity, may be useful to all Steemians.

ini adalah apa yang dapat saya sampaikan di kesempatan malam ini, semoga bermanfaat bagi semua orang Steemian.

Me too, say thank you very much, to Steemians, have read and seen my blog

Saya juga, mengucapkan terima kasih banyak, kepada Steemian, telah membaca dan melihat blog saya

I end with a word

Regards from me @sultan-aceh

CameraCannon 1300D
Photo LensEF-S 18-55mm

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Hi @sultan-aceh

I want to use 3 words




hi also @xpilar
Hehehe hehehe

I did not expect
it turns out you like it
Hehehe hehehe

thank you 3 words from you @xpilar


thank so much @xpilar

Detects the possibility of beautiful pictures

Hunting for the best picture and to show us

Hehe, here are many words that fit in
Extraordinary = remarkable, exceptional, amazing, astonishing, astounding, marvelous, wonderful, sensational, stunning, incredible, unbelievable, miraculous, phenomenal, prodigious, spectacular

This is part of the description that I would like to commend

hehe, more than 3 words


very special words
I received and read today


takk @xpilar

yes, it is

Karya nya semakin hari semakin merajalela, anda benar-benar harus mengajarkan saya di bagian makro ,bagaimana cara mengambilnya

waduuuuh ... meu Raja dan Lela

kan sudah saya kasih box nya, waktu anda ke lhokseumawe

Heheheheheh.... Iya tapi jika hunting nya bareng lebih cocok lagi seperti nya

Indah lagoina @sultan-aceh

hana troh keuh lagow lom

Siattek lon gah kenan.
Na problem bacut inoe.

Mungkin sedang jalan jalan

kana mandum dilokasi

Ya salam.. semakin hari semakin indah.. asli payah meugure nyoe bagian makro ..hehehe


terima kasih @amyalfatasyabaro murunow cit nyow heheheh

Hai @sultan-aceh
no words I can say. your work is very beautiful. maybe i should visit your place and learn macrophotography.
Upvote and Re-Steem


thank so much @kimki

Pat neh..sang suah lon jak bak dro neh siat...hehehhehe

wow really nice flower photography. beautiful art. 100% like upvote and resteem

thank so much @sanchitadey

wellcome @sultan-aceh

That really looks like a graphics work but it is clicked by you! just can't express the beauty of the glass-flower-view in word.

terima kasih @aaarif

Indah sekali karya anda @sultan-aceh, inspirasinya luar biasa, sukses terus @sultan aceh..

terima kasih @omze

Luarbiasa @sultan-aceh.. saya sebenarnya tertarik dengan postingan photography.. oiya Bg, adakah discord khusus untuk photography? Kalau ada, kasi tau Bg ya? Mau juga gabung.. hehe


terima kasih @bonbons
terima kasih telah tertarik dengan photography
berkarya kreatiflah segera
jangan fokus pada 1 hal ok

gak tahu saya
masalah discord khusus photography
ntar saya cek ya ..
klo saya ketahui
saya khabari anda ok

salam @sultan-aceh

Terima kasih tanggapannya Bg @sultan-aceh.. lanjutkan...

wow ,wonderful flowers ..
Really this post very enjoy it ..
Dear @sultan-aceh and dear @xpilar
I just #Resteem and #Upvote

terima kasih @saidul-islam

Hey, @sultan-aceh Really great work my dear friend and I am glad to seen your daily post .many many thanks for sharing with us your interesting post.

thank so much @periods

wow!! what a nice flower...
outstanding....thanks for this amezing flower.

nice picture and good colors and many kinds are arts the it s is good photography i like its is very much brother

I just saying 1 word
