The Concept Of Jinx Jinx's Itself

in malediction •  7 years ago  (edited)

There has been a concept that to speak or think of something happening can prevent it from happening, some call this concept to jinx something even though the word jinx can mean other things. This idea of a jinx though is to think of something happening, it is to think of a jinx happening. Therefore if thinking of something happening can prevent it from happening then the jinx concept would have to jinx itself because the very idea of jinx is an assumption of things going a certain way. It is impossible for this jinx concept to be valid because if it were valid it would abolish itself instantaneously and cease being valid.

The jinx concept as expressed above is based on the assumption that to bless something is to curse it.


There are other meanings to the word jinx though. The word jinx can mean bad or negative luck. In this sense of the term to jinx is to curse something. The first concept I mentioned has a meaning ascribed to jinx that is totally absurd, the idea that a blessing brings about a curse is absurd. A benediction, in thought or word, does not curse. A malediction is what curses. The true jinx is to speak a malediction over something. For example, to say to someone "you are a loser and can never succeed" is a way of cursing or jinxing them. That is what a true jinx is.

People can protect themselves from jinx's by rejecting what the jinxer states.


It does not surprise me that people from a culture which developed the Sticks and Stones rhyme would come up with a corrupted understanding of the word jinx.

"The phrase appeared in 1872, where it is presented as advice in Tappy's Chicks: and Other Links Between Nature and Human Nature, by Mrs. George Cupples:

Sticks and stones may break my bones
But names will never harm me."

The sticks and stones rhyme is wrong. Words are powerful. Words have had destructive effects upon peoples brains and nervous systems. Words and sounds are the foundation of all matter and energy in the universe. Words create and words destroy. Math is not the language of the universe. The universe is made out of letters. Letters are the language of the universe. The universe is made out of runes.


There are 3 dimensions of space. The fourth dimension is time. The fifth dimension is mind. This means that the mind can traverse all times and distances instantly because space and time are nothing to a fifth dimensional perspective. This means that if you speak against or if you speak for someone whether in writing or verbally, and if it is done with the intent of being directed towards them, you are effecting their energy field and perhaps even their web of fate by doing so. Words weave the web of fate which is called wyrd. Your word is your wyrd. We create our realities with our words, we choose our destinies with our words. Words create and manipulate matter.

Affecting peoples energy fields at a distance not only can be tone through words. It can be done through raw emotion, it can be done by internal imagination, usually just called the imagination, or it can be done though the external imagination which is the use of arts and crafts. Making a figure or doll or using one that represents the intended target and then doing bad things to the doll is a way of affecting the energy field of the target. Another way of doing that is writing maledictions upon a photo of them or writing maledictions upon a paper that mentions their name or simply mentions a word or string of words that represents who they are. This is called sympathetic magic and is mentioned in The Golden Bough.

In magic people work in the fifth dimension, the dimension of mind, to affect things. This is why in yoga mental silence is encouraged. Through stilling the mind one can explore the fifth dimension, one can explore the mind that way. To still the mind does not require force. You can simply watch the movements of the mind without judging it until the mind eventually stills of its own accord. This is called watching the monkey mind.

Raw emotion can be used to affect people or things energetically. This is called magic. Doing dark magic upon people, black magic, is entirely justified. Humans eat animals who have done them no wrong. A human is just an animal. If a human has done you wrong you have a right to curse them with your words if you wish. We can retaliate with our words and through use of magical rituals in this society. It is illegal to physically get revenge. This is why learning about magic is important. It is generally wise for a person to follow the laws of the land.

The powers of the mind are only limited by ones imagination and are explored via the imagination and with regards to the imagination the sky is the limit. The imagination not only can be used to manipulate energy and affect auric and physical fields, even massage people at a distance, it can also be used as a faculty of perception. By heeding ones imagination and ones daydreams one is tuning into other vibrations of the electromagnetic spectrum that is beyond the 5 senses.

We live in an ocean of electromagnetic energy. One ripple in one area generates a ripple effect that flows everywhere else. Our words swim out of our mouths like snakes into the ocean of energy creating all sorts of ripples as do our thoughts ripple our of our cranial energy fields and the emotions of our hearts catapult into the ocean. The ocean of Brahman is not a single being. We are man, we are not one. The ocean of Brahman is the electromagnetic energy field we are swimming in like fish. Not only is the idea we are all one a false idea. The hindu concept of reincarnation is simply a ploy used to justify the indian class system. We have ancestors but we don't have past lives.

We don't have individual souls. We have ethnic souls. The ancestors we have are shared by many and thus the blood that flows through our veins is collective property, our blood is our share of the blood. Our share of the genetics. Our ethnic soul is like a tree. The ancestors are our roots. Our family is a branch. We are the leaves. The trunk is the earth itself. The earth is the trunk of the tree, the ancestors the roots, the families who have grown out of these ancestors the branches, and individuals leaves. An individuals soul is the tree and an individuals body is the leaf. We all have collective souls, not individual souls.

The afterlife is not in the sky, heaven. The afterlife is in the dreams of those surviving members of our ethnic tree. The individuals, the leaves. Our dreamworld is the realm of the ancestors and the ancestors attain life after death through our dreams. The way we serve our ancestors is by granting them eternal life through promoting the survival of our ethnic group so they have a dreamworld that they can exist in. And promoting our ethnic survival is how we survive as well. A person does not need physical descendants in order to have a dream world to occupy in the afterlife as long as there are survivors of ones ethnic group.

But perhaps one doesnt need survivors of an ethnic group in order to have a dream world to exist in. Everyone is related, perhaps even rocks have a dream aspect to them that spirits of the dead can exist in. Perhaps the spirits of the dead can exist independently of even the physical universe. Perhaps. But one thing we know for sure is that the ancestors have visited there descendants in dreams. We know that the physical world exists. We know energy fields exist and patterns exist. We know the past is an energy pattern that exists in the direction of backwards in time and we know people hallucinating on psychedelics perceive the dimension of time when they see their hand making trails through space. We know that when they see those trails they are observing the past.

We also know some people have seen strange writing everywhere while on psychedelics just like Odin saw the runes when he united with yggdrasil, the world tree. Our ethnic soul is a tree and we are a leaf upon that ethnic soul. This is why among the ancient norse and ancient saxon people they would call a family member or friend: "my leaf". They were a leaf upon the same ethnic tree. The idea of people having individual souls distracted them from their duties to family and friends. I prefer to think of ethnic duty as a duty to family and friends rather than viewing it in explicitly racial terms. The racial movements I am aware of tend to be very anti-social and nasty and not worth joining and so I prefer to not use explicitly racial terms when talking about my ethnic identity. my ethnos, my people, are my friends and family and I am comfortable with leaving it at that.

I did mention psychedelics, I don't think psychedelics are necessary in order to enter a shamanic trance. I am neutral with regards to psychedelics. Psychedelics are a risk so I do not recommend them however psychedelics are a part of human history and human culture. Psychedelics should be tolerated in our society. They are a unnecessary risk to take because a person can achieve psychedelic states through natural means. One way is through shamanic drumming. Another way is through meditation. The easiest way though is through gazing into the blackness in between the stars for a slightly extended period of time, this can induce psychedelic states without the drugs.

The most powerful drugless psychedelic I know of is dreams and lucid dreaming. To get in the habit of remembering dreams one must write ones dreams down immediately upon waking, a dream journal next to the bed is necessary for this.

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