MBS Day 2 - Takeaways from the Malta Blockchain Summit

in maltablockchainsummit •  6 years ago 

I've got an hour or so to kill before my flight so I thought I'd take a moment to reflect on my takeaways from the Summit

Digital Home

The first thing that comes to mind is that Malta's 'Blockchain Island' forms part of a bigger picture for Malta that has designs on being the home of digital innovation. Be it closed circuit proprietary AI systems or open sourced decentralised Blockchains, Malta wants to be seen as a hotbed where digital projects can strive. At a time where many are fretting over the 'bear market' and many governments are either 'waiting or seeing' or outright hostile to cryptocurrency, the forward thing nature of the Maltese governments approach is to be applauded.

We'll have to see how this will all pan out in the long run.

Same old crypto convos

The conference was well run and came with the usual decadence you'd expect from a high crypto conference. I always find it ironic that after days of indulgence and talk of institutional investments someone pipes up and mentions 'banking the unbanked', the perennial topic that everyone agrees on yet precious little is done to progress.

The general conversations and talking points were the same as I've heard over the last few years, only being conducted by new players.

Questions around the 'appropriate use case' of blockchain. Plenty of projects 'going live imminently.' With the few projects that have gone live either pointing to multi-year roadmaps before they see real traction or having to pivot to realise the intended benefit to their communities.

Services on top of services

The key thing I will take away though is that there is a big focus on services. Not just the government as I highlighted in my previous vlog. There are now lots of projects delivering Exchanges and Wallets. I understand the motivations. Something like a Centralised Exchange platform has a business model that those outside crypto can readily understand. Also it easy to 'service' crypto users why remaining (largely) agnostic as to whether there is genuine use for cryptos or whether the activities are purely speculative. As long as there is an exchange of value and fees to charge, it is all good.

However we are well stocked for Exchanges and Wallets, the emergence of more competition in these areas begs the question, where will the users come from?

More attendees than users?

According to the organisers over 8000 people attended the Summit. Most actively looking to position themselves or develop businesses in the crypto landscape. Yet how many cryptocurrency platforms actually have over 8000 active daily users? (Buying and selling over centralised exchanges does count as platform usage!)

There is certainly a gap that needs be bridged between the enthusiasm of those eager build businesses in blockchain and actual usage of blockchain applications.

How do we move forward?

A good starting would be those in crypto 'eating their own turtle' or dog food.

A second would be to build on existing platforms before launching 'yet another' platform. In my view new platforms should be borne out of lived understanding of the pain points of existing platforms. As I've mentioned it's far easier to sell a shiny new idea on paper than navigate through the messy maze of a truly decentralised platform. Particularly if the 'cost of failure' of your new project is a bag full of cash and a lambo courtesy of a wildly over-valued ICO!

I think a combination of more people who profess an interested in 'blockchain' actually using the technology as it exists in its many forms and developers building on the learnings of existing protocols will help accelerate growth in the blockchain and bootstrap mass adoption.

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I like the point you made about where do the users come from. There is no shortage of good ideas to add to cryptocurrency services, but to make all these coins and services profitable they need customers and it seems that requires a lot more people using cryptocurrency. I think your idea is a good one, that if they think it’s a good idea to invest in businesses providing services to cryptocurrency users then they should invest in cryptocurrency and use it for everyday transactions, just like the customers they hope to woo. Perhaps they should become the change they wish to see. Eight thousand was the number of vendors you mentioned. I agree that would be a huge increase for any cryptocurrency to have 8000 new people using their coin for daily transactions. The other interesting thing you commented on is the unbanked.
I see articles about “reaching the unbanked” but I don’t know of any crypto’s seeking them out. I think there remains a knowledge hurdle to get into crypto and although Steemit improved that even here there are significant knowledge hurdles. I think any efforts at mass adoption by the unbanked are going to require a lot of education about crypto and the Blockchain. Then there has to be easy ways to go back and forth between local fiat and crypto.
I look forward to seeing these things happen.


I agree that once blockchain has a real case use outside of crypto we could see mass adoption...

Hope you landed safe if the maltese government can establish banking relationships for the exchanges then I would be excited to see that as for new protocols that's dead all about banking the unbank etc with bitcoin as reserve currency.

Thanks for the great recap! It’s super interesting to hear about the innovation of the Maltese government. Sounds like you had a good trip! Are you coming to Steemfest? It would be awesome to meet you. :-)

Yep - I'll be there. It'll be great to meet you too.

In the States, there seems to be a growing divide between belief in the blockchain and belief in crypto. I am not sure what investors need to see in order to take an interest in Steem?

I see the same divide. I think it stems from a misunderstanding of the role that cryptocurrency plays in creating incentives on a decentralised public blockchain.

Steem has always had a perception issue as far as crypto investors. I'm not sure what can be done to reverse it beyond continuing to build the platform and community.

Malta leading the digital revolution great to see the support for blockchain specially there

So Malta is going to be like the Silicon Valley of crypto’s ? Cool.

Hi @nanzo-scoop I am an investor of Steemit. Could you support my works on Steemit with Steemauto? I can also support you. If you do this I will be very appreciated.

Blockchain vs crypto . People may see it as a different thing but it’s all in reality similar . I wonder when the listing of Steem will be on netcoins