Happy Monday! I'm up bright & early today to come on here & share with you all my mama musings for the day.
This past weekend seemed a bit chaotic & disordered to me. At least it felt that way. Although, we got a lot done & most of the things on our "to-do" list complete, it still felt crazy to me. It felt like a buzzing blur - constantly running to do the next thing or making sure we didn't forget something. Mix in a toddler tantrum or twenty & you've got mayhem. It was a good weekend though & I'm glad we got everything done that we set out to, but man....I was craving some timelessness with others. Some time to not follow a schedule, to forget what time it was & to not have to say "ok, it's time to go".
I'm the kind of person that doesn't like to set a schedule for things that should be more carefree. When I set a coffee date with a friend or have a play date, I don't set an end time. Of course there is a line, & I do need to try to get my kiddos to bed around their normal time, but overall, I keep it fairly relaxed. If supper is a bit late, it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. I don't like feeling rushed when visiting with a friend as I like to give them as much time as they need. I also don't like the pressure it puts on us, to make sure we've gotten everything out of each other in the short time we've "allotted" for one another. Does that make sense?
I feel it's important to try to keep relationships less scheduled & less task focused. Of course we still need to be respectful of each other & try to show up to things on time & leave our friend's company if it's really interfering with their routine. I just often times find myself wishing for more timelessness with my relationships, more carefree-ness... more room for life to fill in the gaps & to feel allowed to have that time without worrying if I'm taking up too much of their time.
Am I the only one who feels this way? Let me know your thoughts below in the comments.
And on a completely different side note, my hubby made me a little essential oils shelf for an early Valentines present! Isn't he so sweet?! Gotta love those carpenters. ;)
It's just made out of pine... super simple. I have yet to sand & stain it, but I wanted it up so badly I decided we could do that stuff later!
-Liz Lemon