Well that is what my personal mug says for sure. But do I? Do I need coffee or is it more of a set time during any time of the day where I am alone, with my warm robe and slippers, and a hot beverage of my choice that I really need? As I mother to a 16 months old toddler these times are needed even more so. My time isn't my own any more, tho, I do enjoy the hands on approach to our parenting skills. Choices, we all make them and we all have them. My cup of relaxation reminds me that I can choose to find time to get grounded as a mother and take time to fill my own cup so that I am ready to pour into my very intelligent, ever curious, growing little human. We mothers forget sometimes to pour into our own mug first and we give until we are grinding our teeth and wondering why we are feeling like a cat that just got its tail stuck in a light socket. Please, Mamas, find the time to do something you are passionate about even if just for 5 minutes. I know how hard it can be, especially if you have 5 kids as I do. The kiddos will grow up and unless you water yourself while they are growing up, when they are grown you will realized you have become a very dehydrated cactus, and cactus' mind you, grow in a desert and are very enduring to harsh weather. Don't become a dried plant. Give the world a beautiful garden after it has all been said and done. Namaste and Shalom too all the mamas out there- I understand your sighs. JAX~