Let the system manage, not you

in management •  4 years ago  (edited)


The management of people is exhausting, and managers know this truth. So how can I become an efficient and calm manager? System management is the only way out.

  1. Raise awareness: System management is a systematic project that allows employees to "re-behave"

The formulation and implementation of the system is essentially a process of shaping people. Why should we customize? It is because some aspect is not standardized and there are problems. It is necessary to clarify the behavior requirements of everyone. The habitual behaviors that everyone is used to need to be changed and follow the established system.

No one likes to be restrained. The system itself is a restraint on people. It will make people uncomfortable, uncomfortable, and even hurt the interests of some people. I used to be a copycat. Now you let me take the big road. It’s a big deal, where can it be done!

Especially for people who are accustomed to freedom and looseness, managers must think twice before customizing the degree: Can this system be implemented, and are there confidence and determination to implement it? If it is difficult to implement this system and you are not too sure about it, just don't decide, don't even say it, otherwise, it will only lose face and reduce management authority.

  1. Self-reflection: How is your team system implemented?


Does any leader take the lead in not implementing it?

After the system is promulgated, the leader asks others to execute it, but often does not execute it by himself; or the middle and high-level managers do not execute it, but only ask ordinary employees to execute it. As time passed, the actions and the effects were not implemented, and the situation of "people managing people exhausting people" was returned.

Is there any failure to execute due to ignoring the process and focusing only on the result?

Because the system itself may be unreasonable, if it is implemented, it will be troublesome to review and sign the other; if it is not implemented, as long as the results are the same, the leader will be equally happy, and even praise the subordinates for being "smart" and "well done." Over time, everyone ignored the process and only pursued results.

In fact, the process is the necessity of the result, and the result is the necessity of the process. A process without prior and in-process control will not lead to good results. Even if there are good results, they may be accidental and individual. Once there is no good result, it is too late to trace the cause, because from the leader to the staff, they have developed the habit of executing without process but only results.

Is there any non-implementation caused by inequality before the system?

In some companies, the top leaders can "take it for granted". After the top leaders violate the system, since they have not been able to enforce the system, the top leaders just "open the Internet". After the middle-level cadres violate the system, the top leaders also say "sentimental" But for some employees, because of human relations and other reasons, it is also possible to "not as an example". The opening is getting bigger and bigger, resulting in a "large area collapse" in the implementation of the system. Are everyone equal before the system in your company and team?

  1. Abandon the culture of acquaintances and establish a culture of strangers


As the leader of the enterprise and the manager of the department, is there such a situation where your subordinates call you big brother, brother, brother? If there is, this kind of "acquaintance culture" will cause the team's rules and regulations to be useless.

why? Because you and your subordinates are brothers, even if you make a mistake, you just open one eye and close the other. Why do they call you big brother? There is only one purpose: He wants privileges, wants to be above everyone, does not follow the rules, specializes in the team, and walks sideways.

Therefore, managers follow the "mass line" to integrate with the masses, and the result of brotherhood with subordinates is that the subordinates have made mistakes and violated the system, and the superiors can't get rid of their affection. The sequelae is that the subordinates are in good measure, do not take the system seriously, hippie smiles, and the entire team management is almost out of control.

What if not? Things are much easier to handle. We have a working relationship, a contractual relationship, and an official business. We can do whatever we want. We can work with the money, follow the rules and follow the rules. Why? Because the eldest brother is not there, I have to be careful, otherwise I will be punished. This is the "human culture".

Therefore, whether it is the boss, general manager or department manager, if you want to lead the team well, you must abandon the "acquaintance culture" and establish a "biological culture", and leave no room for opportunistic and clever people. In this way, the system Of course, the execution is much smoother.

  1. System management is fundamentally responsible for employees


Smart managers understand that system management is like screwing a screw. Although tightening requires a lot of effort, as long as you bite the bullet and hold on, tighten it, strictly enforce the law from the beginning, and then the team will form an automatic operation according to the system. If the screw is not tightened enough, it will gradually leak out, the system wall will become ruined, the team loses the rules and constraints, and the atmosphere will get worse and worse.

System management must use penalties well. If severe penalties are imposed on lighter crimes, then lighter crimes will not come, and heavy crimes will not occur, so that penalties can be used to curb penalties and receive no penalty. The effect of doing things.

Managers who are afraid of offending people are like "water", weak and weak. They don't dare to control, don't want to control, and are good at subordinates who violate the system. Employees also feel that their boss is good-tempered, and even a little like such a manager.

However, some employees have developed the vice of contempt for the system and the rules, and finally committed an unforgivable mistake and were expelled or even committed a crime, "drowning"; and strict and demanding managers are like "fire" and raging Burning, iron-faced, ruthless, daring to grasp and control, employees dare not be the slightest neglect in front of the system. If things go on like this, everyone develops a good habit of observing the rules, not making small mistakes, not making big mistakes, and having a safe life.

We say that "fighting is personal cursing is love" is also the truth. Strict system management is love and responsibility to employees, and the violation of subordinates is forgivable, which is a kind of instigation and spoiling, and the minor fault of subordinates. It may lead to big mistakes, which is essentially the greatest harm and irresponsibility to employees!

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