Man Crush Monday @nanzo-scoop

in mancrushmonday •  7 years ago 

My mancrushmonday today is my Steemit Father and mentor. His flair for body building exercise and interest for Sports has propelled me to develop somewhat interest in gym and Sports too...

Should I state his philanthropic gesture here in? I certainly might not finish it.

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@nanzo-scoop has always been a mentor and teacher to minnow on Steem. His constant support for Steemians is really mind blowing.
I am a beneficiary of his altruistic and magnanimous act. He is really a blessing to us here on the Steem network.

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Successful people lifts others to a great height too. They don't soar alone rather, they believe in helping others grow too.
Successful people believes the sky is so wide for all to fly.

My Steem Father @nanzo-scoop believe in minnows and thus, supports them holistically.
Sports lovers and non-sports lovers have huge testimonies courtesy of his human nature.


@nanzo-scoop never stops growing young. Lol!...Perhaps, his flair and interest for fitness and wellness could be the most likely cause.
He is a Mancho Man

Yes! He never stops building up his muscles and training Steemians on some fitness skills....

A major virtue I have learnt from him over time is the zeal to help people and be happy with whatever makes you happy.

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Images were adapted from @nanzo-scoop's search on Google

Want to partake in the Man crush Monday series by @gee1?
Check her blog for more information Here

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