New to the Mandela Effect

in mandela •  7 years ago  (edited)

I first came across the phenomenon known as the Mandela Effect in early 2016. Sure some of the things I looked at that had supposedly changed did indeed seem like they had; but I'm not the kind of person to think the impossible happened over my memory failing me. It seemed the older I got the more I realized just how unreliable my memory was. Now in my early 40's I find telling someone my age requires a bit of math to be sure I'm remembering right since it's easy to remember the year I was born being that it doesn't change annually.
So I blew it off for about a year not ever really considering looking into it again, I felt like I could never be sure enough about anything to support such an impossible sounding effect; besides many of those I saw talking about it seemed to be making themselves crazy over the smallest things. I thought, they just don't realize how unreliable the human memory is.
I was watching a video on Leak Project, Rex had a guest named Joseph Reyna, Author of "Incredulous" on the program discussing his research into Jesus and the Bible; during this discussion he brings up the Mandela Effect and how one of the famous scriptures in the Bible had changed, Isaiah 11:6 "The Lion Shall Lie Down with the Lamb" he claimed it now reads the Wolf will dwell with the Lamb. My initial thought was, he must've said it backwards. Joseph continues to talk about how you can Google Isaiah 11:6 and pictures of Lions and Lambs comes up although that's no longer how the scripture reads.
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What!!! I thought. I've read the Bible dozens of times and listened to it on audio numerous times. That Isaiah 11:6 scripture is like a scenic stop along the long trip through the bible when you read it cover to cover, there are many of them, but I specifically remember it as the Lion and Lamb.
So I paused the video and looked the scripture up in an online bible to find the Wolf and Lamb. I checked a KJV print copy, same thing. This is impossible, I know what it used to say, there's no chance I got that mixed up or had a false memory as the professionals like to say the phenomenon is all about.
So I began to look up You Tube videos and came across one that blew me away, it was showing how Rodin's Thinker Statue had changed it's pose, this is ridiculous I thought. I had one growing up as a kid, I remember me and my mom at a yard sale and I asked her to get it for me. It was in my life throughout my childhood, I tried to draw it from time to time growing up and I even remember having trouble making the fist to the forehead look right. It was even in the intro of one of my favorite childhood shows called Mr. Wizards world. After searching for some images on the internet I couldn't find a single picture with the statue in the pose I so vividly remember. So I took the time to Photo shop one.

The new pose seemed familiar as well, but I just thought it was a newer version someone came up with that was building on the one I had as a kid. I know (I thought), I'll find that Mr. Wizards World opening sequence online and then I'll be able to prove it to everyone. I found the clip and was blown away to see it had also changed. It looked really old and everything about it was just as it was except for the part with the Thinker statue, the animation was even a little different but looked like it had always been that way.



The more I looked into this the more I realized even those things in the beginning like Fruit Loops and Looney Toons being changed, that I had just blown off had for sure changed. That's really how this whole journey began for me.
I will dive more into how I've considered many options as to what is happening and what I believe is causing this and why I think so. Which I have covered on my YouTube channel, Unbiased and On The Fence. But to summarize here and now, it's a good thing, a wake up call for humanity to realize nothing is as it seems. I've been shown how many of the changes are pointing out truths or revealing things. Which is the real definition of the term Apocalypse which I believe this is, but it's not something to fear, it's something to be thankful for.
Thanks for reading!

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