The Mandela Effect

in mandelaeffect •  8 years ago  (edited)

 The Mandela effect is when many people have memories that are different from available evidence of what really happened. The term was coined by Fiona Broome who says she and many other people remember Nelson Mandela dying in the 80s rather than in 2013. She claims that common memories which appear mistaken could be explained by the existence of parallel universes that interact with each other. Depending on who you ask the Mandela effect is the crossing of two different realities, or just mistaken memory's. I myself lean toward mistaken memories, but with that said I do remember several known examples of the Mandela effect differently then they supposedly really are. below is a video of some of these examples.(Video not created by me.)

As you may or may not have noticed after watching, there does seem to be some serious inconsistency in the way you remember certain events and items. One of the more popular examples of the Mandela effect is the name of the berenSTEIN bears book series. I was a big fan of these books as a child, and before I even knew about the Mandela effect I found it weird that all the books iv come across as an adult are called berenSTAIN. Another popular example I remember "incorrectly" is the famous star wars line "Luke... I'm your father" but guess what? its actually "No... I am your father". How about "mirror mirror on the wall" well apparently its "magic mirror on the wall". I recall many other examples "incorrectly" and so will a lot of you because apparently almost 50% of the world remembers the past differently then the other half. That is what really gets me. Almost half of the population not 5 or 6 or even 25% but half the world recalls things differently. Some people seem think its because of the CERN particle accelerator, but I highly doubt that. I for the record am quite a skeptic and would normally call BS on this sort of thing, but it's strange and its undeniable. What do you think causes this phenomenon? tell me in the comments below.

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Its Berenstein/Berenstain. I don't think anyone remembers it as Berenstine. It was always stein to me. Josef Mengele was Josef Mengeles too.
Perhaps its the ministry of truth starting to test our doublethink capacity.

Was a typo thx for pointing it out. Mengele was always Mengele to me though... I think. Alot of them can be explained, but some of them are just plain weird.