Why is there a conflict between comics and manga?

in manga •  4 years ago 

Rising Hatred Between Manga And Comics.png

Recently there has been a growing feud between Comics and Manga. Specifically, the creators who go on to “pass the torch” of hatred to their followers. I’m not the type to go searching for upsetting news, but time and time again, I've seen thumbnails of such content. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then great! Neither do I on some level, I suppose.

Long gone are the days where it was simply, “Who would win in a fight, Goku or Superman?” And creeping right around the corner is “What’s better, Comics or Manga?” I’m very much aware that Anime, while loved by countless, is hated by a small majority in comparison. And that’s fine; everyone is different in this regard. However, slowly this hatred seems to be growing into much more than simply not wanting to watch it and extending to the point that those who love it should not be allowed to partake...

Finish Reading @ https://www.psmanga.com/blog/rising-hatred-between-manga-comics/


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