Has Q Given Us A Timeline Of Events, It Could Play Out This Way - Episode 1611b

in manipulated-documents •  7 years ago 

FBI and DOJ didn't just redact documents they manipulated. Mueller's 2nd in command colluded with reporters. It is now being reported that there individuals that know who murdered Seth Rich. Afghan forces and the US forces clean out the IS. Pompeo says all went well with NK. Iran says they will shut the Strait of Hormuz, which they can't because it is an international water way. Anons have put together a timeline when everything is going to hit.

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Thanks again, Dave. Drain the swamp.

The great awakening moment will happen when people realize that the government will always take your freedom without your consent/knowledge, they will use violence to enforce their theft of tax dollars, and they will use even more violence to suppress all those that oppose their unethical laws. And whomever controls your currency controls you. Freedom only exists when there are no rulers, and all interactions are voluntary.

I hope they catch the bastards that murdered Seth Rich . I hope many in this criminal government FRY❗️