Soros using cryptos to promote globalist agenda in Europe

in manipulation •  6 years ago 

Romanian authorities are - finally - taking steps to find out who is behind the protests that have plagued our country for years. Follow the money, as they say.
Not that it was difficult to see that most of the so-called civic protests were inspired by financier George Soros’s minions NGOs. Yet, without proof, blaming Soros is useless.
Now, it has been revealed public prosecutors are looking into financial transactions to the tune of $15 million, money sent to Romanian NGOs through Bitcoin transactions. According to press reports, the money came via the Stefan Bathory Foundation, established by George Soros in Poland back in 1988.

It is not the first time the activity of this Polish foundation has come under scrutiny. It’s name appeared in the famous DC leaks of 2016, alongside other NGOs operating in Europe using Soros grants.

‘Apart from the Batory Foundation, grant support was awarded for initiatives aimed at “fighting hate speech in Hungary”, “supporting the LGBT community in Italy”, “demanding elections that are free from racism and xenophobia”, as well as “demonstrating the threat of populism”, and the beneficiaries included nearly 100 NGOs from Latvia to France. This makes it one of the largest socio-political initiatives in Europe, which despite its territorial and organisational dispersion de facto implemented a common ideological mission that came – together with the money – from the central hub, i.e. the Open Society Foundations.’.

No wonder countries like Russia, Hungary or Poland have taken steps to cut foreign financing to local NGOs or at least force them to disclose where do their funds come from. Disclosing the source of their money is a major step in curbing the influence these NGOs have. For one thing, it proves those who have been blaming Soros for funding ‘democratic’ protests are not crazy conspiracy theorists. At the same time, these ‘influencers’ stand to lose a lot of their credibility, once it is discovered it's their job to organize protests.
The last major protest in Romania was held in August. It turned violent so it was featured in the news all over the world. Now, public prosecutors say that prior to the event hundreds of thousands Euros were cashed in by ‘civic leaders’ through Bitcoin transactions. Oh, well.

I can only speak for Romania, but I’m pretty sure it is the case in other Central and Eastern European countries. Here, we’ve had the same ‘civic activists’ calling for protests of the #resist brand every single month on the slightest pretext. Many decent people have been convinced to take to the streets, in freezing cold or scorching heat for the sake of ‘democracy’, because these ‘civic leaders’ have told them to. Without mentioning they are getting paid to lead the protests. I have family members and friends who take part in such protests, ordinary people who don’t get a dime for all their trouble. They support #resist because they buy into the propaganda churned day in day out by these Soros minions. Some of these activists bragged about giving up on their regular jobs so they can organize the resistance full time, they'd rather starve for the good of the country. Others post on social media images of their kids with the caption ‘I’m doing this for my children, for their future, blah-blah-blah’.
Now, with this investigation I hope more people will finally see what’s going on and say ‘Dude, you’re getting paid to protest!’
The funny thing about this inquest is that funding comes through cryptos and we all know the MSM-induced public perception about such currencies, making these transactions even more suspicious. Who uses Bitcoin if not terrorists and drug dealers? Well, Soros, apparently!

Thanks for reading


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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

M-am uitat pe adresa de wallet data de astia ca dovada a finanatarilor si spalarilor de bani din afara si pot spune cateva lucruri:

  • din 2016 ce mai multi bani intrau din o adresa de poloniex care e un exchange din state unde trebuie sa iti dai identitatea pentru a transfera asemenea sume, lucru care nu este propice spalarii de bani
  • wallet-uri au posibilitatea de a genere adrese noi la fiecare folosire pentru a ingreuna urmarirea banilor, faptul ca acest wallet foloseste aceasi aderesa de mai bine de trei ani e iarasi ceva ce nu s-ar face daca scopul este spalarea de bani
  • in articul s-a zis ca s-au mutat sume considerabile de bani fix inainte de 10 august pentru a pregati protestul, dar inainte de august ultimii bani care au plecat din portofel au fost in aprilie, deci informatie falsa.

Astea au fost chestiile obiective, trecem la cele subiective pe care mi le asum strict ca parere :)

Sa consideri instituie media este tras de par rau de tot, e mizerabil ce fac oamenii aia si cum relationeaza cu informatia.

Toata isteria asta cu Soros mi se pare fantastica, e un mit in curs de formare. Mos Craciun macar trebuie sa se duca la toti copii o singura data pe an, dar Soros tre sa se duca la toti protestatarii de fiecare daca cand e protest si sa-i plateasca pe toti. Lasand glume la o parte, sunt de acord ca Soros are o agenda clar globalista cu inflexiuni sociale si concentreza resurse financiare considerabile in acest sens, dar de aici pana la a zice ca plateste oameni sa iasa la protest e cale lunga. Aici este o suprapunere de interese, cei mai multi oameni care lucreaza in ONG-uri sociale finantate de granturi de la Soros sunt predispusi la a iesi la proteste si media s-a folosit de legatura asta ca "demonstreze" implicare lui Soros.

Eu sunt implicat in miscarile civice din Romania din 2013 odata cu Rosia Montana si am ajuns sa lucrez si cu cei de la Coruptia Ucide si Rezistenta si multi alti actori civici. Nu o sa garantez pentru nimeni dar eu am vazut la oamenii astia multa munca voluntara si miscari civice organizate fara bani in principiu, repet ca vorbesc din experienta directa cu ei.

Te asigur ca nimeni din acesti oameni nu isi doresc sa isi faca o meseria din iesitul in strada, cei mai mult sunt daramati psihic si financiar dar nu pot sa se opreasca pentru ca le este frica de directia in care merge politica noastra. Asa au sacrificat relatiile cu familia, prietenii si o buna parte din societate care ii desconsidera masiv.

A nu se intelege ca nu exista si oameni cu alte interese printre ei sau care sunt dispusi sa recurga la violenta sau minciuni pentru a atinge diferite scopuri, aceastia clar exista dar sunt o minoritate.

Daca esti din Bucuresti te invit la Casa Activistului sa ii cunosti pe multi din cei asociati miscarii #Rezist si sa vezi ce fel de oameni sunt si ce preocupari au.

Sper ca nu s-a simtit ceva ton agresiv din partea mea, simtem doar nevoia de a argumenta si partea cealalta a problemei :)

Multumesc pentru raspuns. Dupa cum am si scris, cunosc multi oameni de buna-credinta care se implica in proteste si stiu ca nu primesc bani pentru a iesi in strada. Iti inteleg supararea pentru ca la fel se intimpla si in anii 90, cind ieseam eu in strada, tot fara sa ma plateasca nimeni. Manipularea exista insa si atunci, dupa cum exista si acum. E suficient sa ne uitam la simbolul protestelor din anii 90, Marian Munteanu - cum a evoluat, cine e astazi si deja ai un exemplu cum functioneaza manipularea. Au mai fost si altii ca el, care au disparut azi de pe scena publica dupa diverse dezvaluiri neplacute.
Banii nu merg la omul care iese in strada, ci la formatorii de opinie, la liderii oficiali sau neoficiali ai diverselor miscari, cei care indeamna lumea sa iasa in strada. Ca banii au venit sau nu in Ro pe filiera cripto e foarte probabil discutabil, ceea ce nu e discutabil e faptul ca Soros baga bani grei in tot felul de miscari, de aceea se si muncesc diverse tari sa mai taie finantarile sau macar sa le scoata la vedere.
Vorbind de experienta directa cu diversi oameni, intimplarea face sa ii cunosc personal pe unii dintre formatorii de opinie de azi, cei care publica in nestire mesaje de mobilizare etc, si stiu cit valoreaza ca oameni. Stiu personaje (cu nume si prenume) care au schimbat tabara de pe o zi pe alta literalmente in momentul in care 'dusmanul' a pus pe masa o oferta serioasa. Asa ca foarte intelept sa nu garantezi pentru nimeni.
Sa nu uit - referitor la institutii media, conteaza ce alegi sa crezi asumindu-ti ca ai putea fi manipulat. Altfel, nu exista nicio organizatie media care sa fie independenta si sa spuna adevarul curat. Vorbesc din experienta, caci am lucrat la diversi stapini si nu ma mindresc cu asta. As vrea sa-ti spun sa petreci sarabtorile linistit cu familia si prietenii, nu la proteste, dar nu cred ca esti intr-un moment cind poti face asta. Nici nu spun ca e neaparat rau, fiecare trebuie sa aiba o etapa cind crede cu tarie in ceva.