Employment in U.S. manufacturing - Durable and Non-durable as of January 2018

in manufacturing •  7 years ago  (edited)

The following chart shows the share of manufacturing in the total non-farm employees, which has been steadily decreasing for a long time. The proportion of manufacturing in the 1950s was about 30%, but it dropped to 10% before the financial crisis and then fell more to 8.5% after the financial crisis. As a result, many jobs in many manufacturing sectors have disappeared.

다음 차트는 비농업 종업원 총 생산에서 제조업이 차지하는 비율을 보여주는데 오랜 기간 꾸준히 감소하고 있었습니다. 1950 년대 제조업이 차지하는 비중은 약 30 % 였으나 금융 위기 이전에는 10 % 까지 감소했고 그이후에는 8.5 %로 떨어졌습니다. 따라서 많은 제조업 부문의 일자리는 사라졌습니다.

% of Manufacturing.jpeg

The chart below shows that manufacturing employment has declined over the past 30 years. The employment in manufacturing has plummeted to 8.5% during the financial crisis and recovered a little after that, but it is still below before the financial crisis.

아래차트는 제조업피고용 이 지난 30년동안 하락하는것이 보입니다. 제조업이 금융위기로 급락했다가 그이후에 회복했지만 아직도 금융위기전에 못미칩니다.

Manufacturing Chart.jpeg

The following chart shows the percentage of durable and non-durable sectors in the manufacturing sector. The employment in durables accounted for 63% of manufacturing and 37% of manufacturing are employed in non-durable good producing sector. Employment share in the durable goods sector declines during the recession. It is more sensitive to the business cycle.

다음 도표는 제조업안에서 내구재 및 비 내구재 분야의 비율을 보여줍니다. 내구재 가 생산 부문의 고용은 63 % 정도을 차지하고 비내구재의 고용은 37 % 정도을 차지합니다. 내구재 부분의 고용 점유율은 경기 침체 기간 동안 감소합니다.

Durable and Non durable in manufacturing.jpeg

The following chart shows the employment in durable good producing sector.

Employment in Durable.jpeg

Note: The data for 2018 is as of January 2018.

The following chart shows the employment in non-durable good producing sector.

Employment in nondurable.jpeg

Note: The data for 2018 is as of January 2018.


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