An old local mining map from around my area. Eastern KY.

in map •  5 years ago 


I acquired this map along with many others through some work that I did for a lawyer over the course of a few days. I sat in rooms filled with boxes to the ceiling everywhere, and it was my job to sort through it all in preparation for it being destroyed. I found a few gems that I couldn't bare destroying and kept them for myself.

This one here is I think a local mining map of Marshall's branch, on the border of the Letcher and Pike County line. I beieve it is from the 80's.











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I found them while I was doing some work for a local lawyer. It was filed away from some type of court case sometime in the 80's. It must of been some kind of lawsuit that was filed against the company.

That is kinda interesting @intrepidthinker! Where did you find this? I am curious as I am from southern Nevada and am curious as to older mines in the area.
Take care, never give up!!

Those are pretty neat. You should frame them.

Thanks. I probably will in the long run.

I thought the same! would make some cool wallpaper for a bathroom wall

That is really cool to be able to see how they mined in the area around you. I want to check those maps out when i come down.

Yeah as soon as I seen them I had to keep em. Come check them out. I have a few of them. Ill post more of them when I get the chance.