White cliffs on Iturup Island, Kuril Islands, Russia

in mapala •  8 years ago 

Iturup Island is one of the Kuril Islands, claimed by Japan. Interesting fact, Google's geolocation on mapala.net assigned location - Flushing, NY 11367, USA. Of course it is not, Iturup Island belongs to Russia as a result of the Second World War and its sovereignty is not discussed by joint declaration of 1956 with Japan.

The island is full of volcanic origin, and most of its southern part is covered with black volcanic sand. On the northern part the situation is completely opposite, on the coast out unique volcanic formations of white pumice and volcanic sand overgrown with bright green - White Cliffs.

Place a fabulously beautiful and very unusual. On the shores of the Sea of Okhotsk and the Pacific Ocean, which washed the island from different angles white sand from rocks mixed with black volcanic sand forming beautiful beading. On the part of the Pacific Ocean there is a beautiful bay, including fever sources, where, if desired, you can arrange a bath by digging it into the sand.

Below pictures of this place:

On this picture you can see the narrowest place of the island. Also here is the Pacific Ocean (on the right), and the Sea of Okhotsk (far afield).

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