safe marketing system

in mar •  3 years ago  (edited)

One of the key strategies to generate more cash flow is
relating to your COMPENSATION PLAN.
Different plans may differ from company to company. Some
companies may boast of their high payout. They will say
something like this:
Our company is the best because we pay out 75% of our
commission to all the distributors! It is like saying for every
$100 sale; $75 is paid back to our people. You will never fail
with this company!
I urge you to make intelligent financial decisions and NOT
emotional decisions because responding to emotional
appeal can cause a lot of heartaches in the future.
I can’t cover all the mechanics on plans, but it is better to
refer to the book series called Show me The Plan!Where I will explain more in depth about marketing plan
mechanics. But for the purpose of this topic, I will list down
some principles (marketing plan related) to follow.
• Don’t look at the total payout of the company; look at
the first 2 levels of payout: How much you get for
recruiting someone, and how much you get if THEY
recruit someone. It is no point dreaming how much
you make as a ‘Rainbow Diamond Leader’ if you can’t
even succeed at the lower levels
• Examine how much you have to spend to RECRUIT
someone. Some companies require you to either pay
for their training program first, or require you to
accompany them into the training session (and you
have to pay your own way)
• If you have little cash flow but wish to join a company
that requires a large inventory investment but high
profit margin, make sure those products can be used
to SPONSOR your downline so you can recuperate as
much cash as possible

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