Maragheh Observatory(Rasad khaneye Maragheh)

in maragheh •  9 years ago  (edited)

  Maragheh Observatory(Rasad khaneye Maragheh) in East Azarbaijan Province 

Maragheh amateur astronomers on the observatory hill in front of the dome was built to protect the monuments.
Maragheh observatory was in the period under Nasir Toosi Helakokhan  Maragheh was built in the city.  The observatory is located on a hill in  West Maragheh and followed by various departments and today only one  sixth part of the stone remains.  In recent years the dome to protect  the remains of this building is built on part of it.
Varjavand Parviz and his colleagues explored the area in decades in  1350 Solar Observatory and the different parts of it were identified.   The main building of the observatory was built in the shape of a  cylindrical tower.  Side of the building of a library and staff  accommodation has been detected.
Maragheh observatory built in 657 AH (1261 AD) Khwaja Nasir Toosi and  ordered to command Helako - grandson of Genghis Khan's Mongol - began.   Hvlako special endowment for the maintenance of the agency considered.   Library includes 400 thousand books and astronomy instruments, including  the nature wall radius 430 cm, the essence of Korean, the ring, ring,  ring equinox and were also provided.  It was there that patriarch  horoscope year 670 AH (1276 AD) was provided.
Maragheh Observatory observations of the stars was not only a  scientific organization of more branches of knowledge that was taught  and the most famous scientists of the era - including pole-Din Shirazi,  discovered the cause of the rainbow - there were .  Moreover, because  the scientific relationship with China and Iran were established because  the land on both Mongols, Chinese scientists - including FAO named Moon  Ji - in the center of outdoor activities.  The philosopher and  playwright Christian culture - The Observatory Maragheh books to teach  the principles and Ptolemy was involved.
Horoscope patriarch
Khwaja Nasir Tusi "horoscope patriarch" of the observations made at the  Observatory has developed Maragheh.  Horoscope century patriarch of the  validity of certain of the territories - including China - have been in  1356 AD (300 years after Gray's death) was translated and published in  Europe.  The oldest version of the National Library in Paris is being  held in the horoscope. 

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