100+ Famous Marathi Attitude Dialogues & Statuses 2021

in marathistatus •  3 years ago 

In Maharashtra there are lots of Hindi speakers who take advantage of the centralized politics to their favor, they never considered Marathi people as a native or a majority of the population. They consider Marathi people as a minority. And they treat them accordingly.

Marathi Attitude Statuses:
In Maharashtra, there are more than 50% of the population who understand and speak in regional language which is Marathi, but sometimes you can see that those politicians hardly provides an opportunity to a common man/woman from their own state to grow and achieve a respectable position in any field even if he/she has good knowledge and skills about their work.

Those people with a Hindi background always try to take advantage of this kind of attitude's towards Marathi people and try to impose their dominance over another Indian language - Marathi, so most of the time such kinds of conflicts happens between these two languages especially when it comes for government official purposes. To avoid such kind of language conflicts and to adopt a uniform policy for all Indians, Government came up with the idea of making English as the Official Language in India.


There are Famous Marathi Dialogues:

1 प्रॉब्लेम हा प्रत्येक वेळी कपड्या मध्ये नसतो तर

बगणाऱ्यांच्या नजरेत पण असतो

2 कोणी तरी असेल कुठे तरी असेल जो

माझ्यासाठी आपला बिजनेससेट करत असेल..

3 मी काही लोकांना message करणं बंद केलंय आता

उगाचच माझ्यामुळे त्यांनाजावं लागतं… !!!

4 आयुष्यात जगण्यासाठी खुप काही असतं

फक्त कोणाची तरी मनापासूनसाथ असावी लागते..

5 पुन्हा जर मानव जन्म मिळाला तर फक्त मराठीच होईल… ..!

6 गरज संपली की काही जणतुम्हाला जिवंत आहेत का मेले तेपण विचारयला येत नाही..

7 गरज नाही मला लोकांनवर जळायची कारण मी स्वतःच एक आग आहे… ..

8 आपली आवडती व्यक्ती जर सोबत असेल तर आयुष्य जगण्याची एक वेगळीच मज्जा असते.. अत्तीतूडे व्हॉट्स अँप स्टेटस

9 मी लोकांनच्या नादी नाही लागतआपण आपल्या मजेत जिन्दगी In satisfaction करतो

10 कोणी साथ दिली नाही म्हणुन थांबायच नसतं, आपलं आपण स्वतःच्या हिमतीवर चालायचं असतं

11 झालेल्या चुका माफ करता येतातपण केलेल्या चुका नाही

12 खरं प्रेम तेच आहे जे वेळ बदलली परिस्थिती बदलली तरी कमी होतं नाही.

Khoti is a Marathi word that means "Yell" or someone who gets Angry too soon, Khoti Kau (खोटी काउ) is a slang term created by Mumbai people using this word. This term has been popularized through many Bollywood movies.

In Maharashtra there are lots of habitual offenders who do not bother about the law and rules, they claim themselves as "Lokmanya's" but that does not mean that you can break any law and do anything because 'Gandhi' once said.

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