Who holds the Keys to the Universe? Remember when Galileo Spoke of the Language of Nature Being Written in Mathematics? Are not mathematics also music, harmonics? Who is Marco Rodin, the Rodin Coil. What is the Mobius Circuit?

in marcorodin •  2 years ago  (edited)

So What holds the Keys to the Universe?

Remember when Galileo spoke of the language of nature being written in mathematics?

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Is the divine code of the Universe hidden in the mathematical sequence of numbers 3,6,9?

if all of this seems a bit much for your journey right now, do not worry.
Scroll to bottom to see a short link [under 5 min.] from Great Warrior Michelle!
Sums it all up nicely, then for those who like the nitty, gritty details, scroll on and only take in what sparks you!

You remember how much #NikolaTesla gifted to humanity?

Remember, on his birthday he would gift more technology for everyone's benefit.

See here for further info with sources,

Nikola Tesla Greatest Inventor and Gift Giver to humanity! Why did it behoove the controllers to stifle his gift of Free Energy? Why did the profiteers credit others with his tech inventions? Follow the Money!


Do you consider one of his Greatest Gifts to be that of free energy systems where he would harness the invisible energy that is all around us?

So he showed humanity how to have electrical power for FREE!

Who attempted to keep it out of humanities hands and why?
Who attempts to control the population and keep them enslaved?

Can you thwart them by the power in you that is GREATER than they are? You decide!

The reasons Tesla may have felt 3,6,9 was the Key to the Universe.

  • Vortex Math

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Vortex Mathematics! What's the Big Secret? Secret of the Universe? You decide!


Scientist Mark Rodin believes 3,6,9 represents a vector from the third to fourth dimension which he calls a “flux field.” This field is supposed to be a higher dimensional energy that influences the energy circuit of the other six points.

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For anyone who wishes to hear him speak with their own two ears, check him out here,

#MarkoRodin, #Biomagtronics

Marko Rodin - The Secret of 3 9 6 - A Fountain of Numbers (FULL) - 25th February, 2019

Are you in the Kingdom of Emanation?
Are we all interacting with each other including nature?
Is all moving in a spiral a vortex?

Do they all follow the same mathematical trajectory?
Does God's name explain that trajectory?
Is He not The Word?

He said He was right here,
Check it out in the first 3 verses of this chapter,
John 1
King James Version
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2 The same was in the beginning with God.

3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

A Vector is the shape of energy like what water takes when you pour it.

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It's an energy spiral in the 3rd dimension

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3,6,9 are the vibrational frequencies in the sub atomic field known as the 4th dimension that hold that energy back together in the third dimension.

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This represents the mathematical vortex,

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The green lines represent the form of the object in the physical world.
Note that the 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 are all Connected!

Then note that the 3,6,9 hold the Vibrational Equivalence and hold it back into reality in the 3rd dimension.

The 3,6,9 are located in the 4th dimension or the quantum field, check it out,

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Do the 3,6,9 represent the non physical vibration energy of physical objects Back in 3rd Dimension?

Is yet another reason Tesla believed the 3,6,9 were the keys to the universe because Atoms follow the divine code formula?

Do you remember that an atom is 99.999% empty space?

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So there it is 99% non physical, but it is Manifested As Physical!

This means when using the Vector Math module, 99.9% of an atom is Invisible Energy!

Mark Rodin stated, 3,6,9 represents an energy field from the 3rd to the 4th dimension.

This means. . .
99.9 percent of atoms in physical matter are located in this field of energy outside of third
dimension so clearly the nine in 99% represents the quantum field which is why tesla said
think in terms of energy frequency and vibration if you want to understand the universe!

Does this mean the 9 in 99% represents the Quantum Field? You decide!

Key to unlocking the universe?

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Was the third reason Tesla stated this because Time isn't what people think it is?
Does time follow 3,6,9 Energy Codes? You decide!

Is time a spiral turning back onto itself?

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What have you been taught time is?
Past, Present, Future?
Is it and is that all there is to it or is there MORE?

Well there are 24 hours in a day [that encodes 6]

60min. in an hour [encodes 6]

60 seconds in a minute [Are you seeing a pattern?]

Have you noticed when looking around a clock, you have a constant oscillation between 3,6 and 9?

Some may say. ..what about 12:00?
What does 1+2 equal? Yet again?

Is another reason Tesla noticed this divine pattern because 3,6,9 is the basis to Geometry?

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What are the degrees of a circle?
360 degrees! What does that encode?

Remember in geometry what the sum of all angles is?
That's right 180 degrees so yet another number that encodes 9?
Is 9 divine?

What about a square?
How many degrees in it's angles?
90 degrees four times or 90+90+90+90 which equals yet again 360 degrees?
This encodes once again the divine!

dna in the body is composed of three chemical subunits
sequenced three at a time
within biological genes.
Each time you add three chemical subunits of dna
you subsequently get six and nine!

So this is encoded into your God Created dna!
Don't forget. . .you are created in His Image!

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Check out more on this here,



Psalm 139:14
14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. [Notice the numbers encoded as you have the 39 and 4+1+1 is 6]

Genesis 1:27
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. [what does 2 and 7 encode?]

For further info and links see,





Prime Numbers. Squared the Creation Equation!
A true base system that works on all axis in 3d has to be based on a prime.

Base 10 Abha Tori [Tori plural of Torus]
3d Chess board

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Everything is either imploding into the center hole of the tori or exploding out the other side.
It's always

  • in and out,
  • compression and decompression
  • explosion, implosion
    So energy transference?

Torso comes from Torus. . .toro.

There is also thermal energy going on which is about heat dissipation.
That is the foundation of all physics and astro physics.

Nothing goes through the hole in the center or the center or the whole wouldn't exist.
The above image with the tor in the middle in modeling a black hole.

Is there something emanating in the hole that is causing it to not close?

36 on circumference and 18 near center.

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In a hologram the hole is in the part and the part is in the hole.

Most are using multiples of 1 and 8 daily.

Here you can see the vortex well or funnel.
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All parts of our well being are based on having this vortex.

**Kinetic Energy Waves of 9
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Remember all dimension is. . .is how something Moves through Space!

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Positive emanation creates negative draft space.

The dandelion puff principle.
Sprit's metadata contained within every number.
So each one of those numbers is a hologram.


It is an emanation coming from the center creating these numbers.

It has been said our solar system is a saucer.
Something has been causing the lining up.

The axis is unique.
The axis is represented by 9

There is no other number like 9 because it never changes.
9 is on the zenith. It's on the apex side and it's lined up over 0.

To get the center back into the circle there has to be motion, equilibrium.

Everything defines the hole by going around the lip of the hole.

The diamond shape represents perfection.

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For every action there are two half negative reactions.

Spirit comes out straight, but warps everything.
That is how you get the curvature.
Spirit penetrates and reticulates everything.

9 is where the pebbles would drop and the numbers all around going out as the concentric circles.
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The 9 has an effect on all of the numbers.


Every huge number in computer science has a single digit corollary.

Cast out 9's or cross addition.

The pattern when looking at the 1,2,4,8,7,5 comes from clefting, from being split in half.
Your cells have this pattern.

The Grand Unified Field Theory.

Vortex based mathematics demonstrates the existence of this latent potential energy proving that numbers are real and alive.

Iron core, very little copper.
It creates a gyroscope laser effect at the center.

It gets rid of the weight problem in motors and coils.

Can gene splicing be done with this?

Spirit is latent potential energy.

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Heat absorbed or released as the part of a phase change is called latent heat.
There is no temperature change during a phase change, thus there is no change in the kinetic energy of the particles in the material.

The energy released comes from the potential energy stored in the bonds between the particles.

2 Superimposed Worlds.

Are secrets in God's world always overlapped?

The 3,6,9 at the base 10 system is not one system.
Everybody Thinks it is base 10. . .it's NOT!

They are 2 completely different systems helically woven together.

3,9,6 is a Completely different world than the1, 2,4,8,7,5

When you separate them you no longer have blurry colors,
no more repeating decimals
no approximations
no more rounding up or down

all because there is Another way of doing math!

If you only Knew the magnificence of 3,6 and 9 then you would have the Key to the Universe

It's palindrome. 9 always in the middle!
3 and 6 is magnetic
9 is spirit

Is it possible that. . .
Only magnetic fields can fall fast enough to give slippage and free play to the spirit.

When spirit is going forward, the magnetic fields are going in the reverse direction.

If true, then. . .
Einstein's cosmological [Lambda A] would be Apogee 9.

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9 is the control.
Only the number 9 lines up vertically under the 0.
9 creates an invisible W axis.

This orthogonal [right angle], perpendicular, runs perpendicular
so is a right angle to the 1,2,4,8,7,5.

It's a relationship of heaven to our physical world.

Our world or realm is dependent on that one.

It's a right a left mirror, all made out of triangles.

The blue arrow charts spirits omnidimensional pathway from the unmanifested into the world or realm of form.

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The Mobius Circuit
The superfluid longest mean
free pathway of least resistance for electrical superconductivity
always follows this bounded infinity circle.

You start with 1, 1 God, 1 Universe
It doubles, 2 is Gabriel's trumpet
4 because the b is not a bilabial stop [held tightly enough to block the passage]. . .it's implosive.
It is the superlative case or higher case of Baha meaning Glory.
The highest is Abha which translates to the splendor, wondrous or glory. . .the heavenly world.

The B is not set as a stop of making that sound, but rather when the name of God is said. . .it is like Gabriel's Trumpet. . .continuing on like the buzzing of a bee.

So the doubling continues. . .but you end up back to where you began when following this path.

1,2,4,8,16,32,64 [the 5,7 and 1]
Why is it the $64,000 dollar question?
Not because 8x8 is 64, but rather it all goes back to ONE!

Chessboard is also 64.

It is because 64 is One Complete Cycle of Infinity.

It's not infinity of one straight line, it is a spin continuum; therefore. . .it is infinity of duration!

64 doubled is 128
11 is 2
128 doubled is 256 which encodes 13 breaks down to 4

256 doubled is 512 encodes 8

512 doubled is 1024 encodes 7

1024 doubled is 2048 which encodes 14 which is 5

There are only 6 numbers in infinity before it repeats!

So is infinity here infinite?
What about in the realm of form if you are only working with the physical rather than the spirit?

So it's a Bounded Infinity like the electron orbital.

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By taking the Binary Code which is doubling [binary code used in conventional computing],
one going to new heights like quantum could care less how many transistor wires they can pack into the smallest processor instead one becomes more interested in how many one can cycle through the orbital.

Instead of just a straight line. . .something that can be Cycled for computer logic processors.

It's not one Big process. . .it's periodic, it's repetitive, it's recursive.

In looking at the model of the number's world or the Mobius Circuit,
the 2 is the "b" sound in Arabic and the 1 is "h" sound as in scriptural times and in Jesus' time they used the Arabic.

This embodies the most great name of God out of the scripture which is the 2 and 5 connected to the 1.

This is not the English order of the scriptures, but rather the original language of the scriptures.
It is said the prophets literally revealed in those languages because the sound embodies what they are describing.

The said it was a spiritual language.
This rings true as God's Word or the scriptures are alive as He told us here,
2 Timothy 3:16-17
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

For years many have been making computers using binary code and no one had ever taught them how to use the 3,6,9.

The truth is. . .you cannot Do Binary Code Without the 3,6,9,3.
Far too many do not have the Whole picture.

It is a whole other number pattern system in calculating that is indispensable to these other calculations.

We really have 18 numbers not 9 as another 9 can be hidden behind them.

In the Mobius Circuit, if you go 1,2,4,8,7,5 you're going back to one as you can't leave the track or circuit right?

Now the higher dimensional flex field" of the 3,6,9 is dotted as it contains . . .endless possibilities!

Every coil has an associated magnetic field with it.

What some miss is it is not Only magnetism, but also spirit.
The field is filled with Spirit also.

The field is magnetism, the flux [3.6.9]

3 and 6 can never touch as they are extreme opposites. . .thus it goes 3,6,9,3 for the flow.

The most extreme numbers yin and yang are 3 and 6.

3 doubles as 6
6 doubles as 12 which equals 3
12 doubles as 24 which equals 6
24 doubles as 48 which equals 12 back to 3

3 and 6 are the extremes of each other, but many think that yin and yang is duality, but there is no such thing as a duality. . .it's all an optical illusion!

Reason being? There is always Spirit in the center which is the 3rd part and the control.

This is how God fashioned and created.
It is His invisible hand behind everything, His Spirit.

Spirit is represented by the number 9.

We are not alone.

The two worlds superimposed impart both angle and ratio.

The 3,6,9 is higher dimensional.

If you get the lower dimensions right, all of the higher dimensions will fall into place.

Check it out. . .
Luke 17:20-21
King James Version
20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:

21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

The secret in the Mobius Circuit is wherever the 3,9,6 is. . .You Leave it Alone!

You don't put a conductor, you leave it alone.
You put an empty space for the flex fields to create the underpinning nested vortices.

God's archetypal brainwave encephalogram pattern the binary code cannot exist without palindrome 396693 well there's your answer then so what comes after 6?

Another 6 but you can't see it so it goes 3,9,6 there's another 6 hidden behind the 6 then it goes 693 and you know what that 9 that you get there is not the same 9 that you're looking at because you're now behind it because that 9 was a positive this 6 was a negative.
And that next 6 now is a positive and that's 9 now is a completely
different line that's a negative 9 that you can't see until you're working on the taurus skin that they're completely different numbers.

The ultimate machine is the human temple which is the throne of God.
The brain is an antenna that transmits and receives divine guidance and illumination.

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Biophysical harmonics models all coherent brainwaves of God recursion,

That's Gabriel's temperature trumpet.

Now why is it called Gabriel's trumpet in the scriptures?
It also said in the Mystic Scripture, in The Seven Valleys and the Four Valleys
Gabriel's Trumpet is called the blackest of nights, a bottomless sea.

Called a hollow reed that you blow the pit of self out from which is supposed to be for you know like detachment self-renunciation and severance.
The hollow reed is a parable.

This pattern is also the way you say the letter b.
Everyone says it too slowly, they say it with their lips and the b and h are said in conjunction.

They overlap.
It's not that it is duality and opposites that are to exist, but rather that we are in conjunction, in synchronization.


Rhythm is conceptualized in a way that resonates with many of the archetypal qualities as it too
is innate, universal, pre-existing and functions to bring about order, It manifests in a variety of
forms, modes, styles or images and has a numinous essence (mystical, spiritual essence). The
structural components of rhythm are sketched as an introduction to the principles of entrainment;
a feature that gives rhythm its healing value in the human body and psyche. The study is a
process of evaluating connecting themes from the diverse disciplines, of psychology, music and
science into an integrated whole.

Find more in here,

The hologram?
Unity physics?

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Notice the polarities,

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There are 3 phases,
Phase 1 the palindrome

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This flipping is how dna works!

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The language of coding is based on this flex field which is the language of dna.

The Mobius Circuit is really a double helix if you look closely.

Why dna is called a morphogenetic field,

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In the Mobius Circuit,
9 is the spirit flux control
3 and 6 are the instantaneous magnetic field results.

Spirit cleaves in twain the numbers 3 and 6
the triangle diamond hexagon all occur in phase 1
because triangles and hexagons are all part of the same thing.

There is no such thing as duality as the 3rd component is Always invisible.

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It's the S curve at times used to insulate electricity.
It's a harmonic boundary.
Rubber is not needed, other insulation is not needed as the harmonic notes are used.

Marko Rodin states nothing is needed to make electricity. . .just use it's own harmonic oscillations to insulate it!

Spirit's W Axis is the source of all motion!

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Only the 3 and 6 magnetic fields can instantaneously respond to provide slippage and free play to the number 9 spiritual flux.

The high dimension 3,6,9 flux fields pierce and impart spin to the 3rd counter spiraling 1,2,4,8,7,5 Mobius Circuits, which always comes in pairs, and you don't see all of that.

When the 9 is negative, the others are positive and when the 9 is positive, the others are negative.

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The 9 is the control.
The 9 got there from shooting out of the zero.

That is the farthest distance and why the symbol is so profound. . .it is showing the longest reach, which is a straight line.
That straight line might not exist after you punch the Torus because you have two things in the Torus.
You have the inner pole, which is the inner diameter or ID.

Then you have the outer diameter at the equator which is called the OD.

The 9 puncturing the invisible Z axis is the long.
This is revealing the girth, the breath, the width.
This is with the breath, like you're breathing.

Omini dimension, 3D, that's all we're occupying except we are interspersed by flux fields.

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Many think everything's in a straight line, many don't see that everything in our world's is curve, being curved by the two superimposed dimensions.

Our world is two spirals kind of rotating.
You have two worlds and two dimensions.

Another world And another dimension

  • woven together
  • interspersed
  • being sustained
  • sustaining one another

This is called the lesser world and the one our soul ascends to is called the Greater world.

This world is considered transient.
There is a saying, "it's worse less than the dark eye of the part of an ant.

The base 10 system is composed of two distinctly separate, yet overlapping worlds that are helically woven together.

The 3rd dimension is the 1,2,4,8,7,5 topology. . .meaning the Torus is the surface topology.

The surface topology of the torso, the 3,9,6, vector is omnidimensional.

The pumping action of the 3,9,6 flus field, causes the gliding action of the 1,2,4,8,7,5 Mobius Circuit.

So this world is not even moving of it's own locomotion or accord,
it's being driven by a higher dimensional world, the pumping action.

We live in a deterministic universe

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That's the big $64,000 dollar question. . .that's the big dilemma,
whether our world is predetermined or not.

Whether there are absolutes.
Whether there are fixed constants.

It doesn't mean we don't have free will.
It doesn't mean that we can't do what we wish.

It still means that all roads lead to Rome, there's no escaping the black hole.

Will the earth be pulled crushing flat into the center of the Milky Way Solar System and
the mountains be pulled crushing flat?

Will the seas boil off their bed and the earth be mixed together with other plants and stars?
Spun around faster and faster until we all shoot out the other side
as a hot gaseous plume of neblular matter?

Will it go billions of light years in the form of a white hole, which is a pulsar
as every black hole has a white hole on the other side?

Will it eventually amalgamate from new planets, new stars?

Why would something like this happen?
Process of renewal?

Is a black hole a compost pile?

Are planets and stars a cooling medium that take heat away from the hole/ the core in the center?

Do they take heat away so that the black hole does not burn up and incinerate?

Can't it only move high and low in a very limited, small margin of temperature fluctuation or it would self destruct the black hole?

Is everything about heat dissipation in the form of Spirit?

Which is considered an invisible light, it's not the visible light, but rather it is called the divine light.

It's called the flame, but it's the flame that never dies.

All continuous mediums, it can be a solar system, water, even electricity glides and spirals on the conductor.

We know everything follows 1,2,4,7,8,5.

Is the Rodin Coil a macro mimicking a micro lattice structure of this?

It can be

  • water
  • a solar system
  • electricity
  • plasma

You can have not just super conductivity, that's why Marko Rodin uses the term super fluidity.

Because even the solar system can be super fluid when you start dealing with the black hole and condensed matter physics.

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The Great Attractor, the Lorenz Butterfly Effect Phase 2 and 3

The 1,2,4,8,7,5
you can see what is controlling it and driving it.

Energy flowing into the future always follows this topological pathway.

Optimal reduction
Bound infinity
Limited recurrsion
over and over with the 1,2,4,8,7,5,1,2,4,

Everything adores God.

Everything falls down prostrate and worships God because everything has a preferred frame of reference.

Everything has an up, down, right, left, front, back.

If you are on a plane and it's upside down, that means the wheels are up top and you're hanging by your seatbelt.

God in this case is mass, because it is exerting it's influence in the physical, concrete world.

In every world God creates He always has a foci.
He always has that world have something, that hub that is the center.
That center of adoration or attention.

In our physical world, the axis is it!
It reveals the qualities and attributes of God.

A personal story where one may never get the experience that Marko did because of his work.

Someone was having trouble, he invested in Blue Bruce de Palma, the End Machine. . .you don't know all this stuff, it's too far back.

He paid for me to fly to his home in Santa Barbara.
He's staying at his brother's castle on the beach and I couldn't help Bruce.

But Bruce was a lot of fun. He took me into his garage to show me his box about 4 ft. wide, 2ft. by 2 ft. and hung by two chains in the ceiling and there was a wall switch.

Bruce said it cost $50,000 to build.

There was a wall switch by the light and he turned it on.
It was like an airplane jet roaring.

He saw nothing.
All it was, was a box.
All you saw was the two chains and the box.
He says, push it, just walk up to it and give it a shove.

Marko walked up to it, it was on and roaring, so loud you would not be able to hear voices.

It was multiple gyroscopes and Marko pushed it.
Something was spinning it said and when he pushed it, it just swayed easily back and forth.

Just swayed with a slight push on the chains so easily.

Bruce says, now watch this.
He turns it off, it takes a couple of minutes to completely shut down.

He walks up to it, rotates it 90 degrees, then he turns it back on.
So you don't think any thing can change.
What can change?
It's in a box, it's sealed.
It's outside, unintuitive, that's the key word.

This experiment was very unintuitive just as Marko explained for frame of reference, and how everything worships God, it's unintuitive.

Everything acknowledges that there's something bigger, greater
because we're all conforming to it whether we know it or not.

It's imprinting itself everywhere!

So he turns it 90 degrees, he throws the switch on,
he says push it, Marko says he walks up to it, he pushes it,
he hits it, he tried to throw it and it's just hanging by these chains
and that box will not swing.

It's rigid, it's locked.

This box once changed 90 degrees could not be rocked or moved because there was something inside communicating, interacting with the earth.

Gyroscopes communicate.
Gyroscopes are omniscient.

We have an axis down the middle.
Our right and left side is a mirror.
Everything starts from the inside out.

Russel Blake the director of Microsoft, the director of future operating systems, he's devoted his entire life to Marko Rodin's work.

Blake has translated Rodin's work to algebra, to matrix algebra.
He's written hundreds if not thousands of pages on Rodin's work.

Rodin had to teach Blake how to count all over again.

Real Multiplication Tables they do not teach the masses

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Number Mates

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Multiples of 1 go up 1 on the right side.
Left side multiples of 8 go down by one.

Everything starts from the inside out.
Let's look at the left side going in to out. ..
1x8 is 8
2x8 is 16 which encodes 7
3x8 is 24 which encodes 6
4x8 is 32 encodes 5
5x8 is 40 encodes 4
6x8 is 48 encodes 3
7x8 is 56 encodes 2
8x8 is 64 encodes 1
9x8 is 72 encodes 9

You can only use this pattern once.
The pattern going the other way is completely different because it changes polarity.

Most people look at the numbers or amount of things and add them the way they have been taught,

1 rabbit, then two
or 1 apple, then two and so forth.

But what most don't see is that is a multiplication series as most don't think 1,2,3,4,5. ..and on is a multiplication series.

Who ever says stop multiplying when you think you're adding?

That's called a control.

It's very different than doing multiples of 8 which is the Mirror of that.

You can only see this in ONE context in 2 dimensional as one is going up and one is going down right?


The entire system Actually becomes an XYZ system.

We are no longer in the nuclear era, but rather in the Spirit era.

Where all machines can run in spirit.

1+1 is 2
2+1 is 3
3+1 is 4
4+1 is 5
5+1 is 6
6+1 is 7
7+1 is 8
8+1 is 9

But that is really a Control as we are really doing Multiples of 1!

It gets really interesting when you start cycling through the 3 tori for base 10.

For the 7 and 2
To the right they are multiples of 2 broken down to what they encode.
For example,
2x1 is 2
2x2 is 4
2x3 is 6
2x4 is 8
2x5 is 10 encodes 1
2x6 is 12 encodes 3
2x7 is 14 encodes 5
2x8 is 16 encodes 7
2x9 is 18 encodes 9

2 and 7 are the same distance from 9
just as 1 and 8 are the same distance from 9
This means they will be multiples in the same way.

On the left side, multiples of 7 is the same pattern backwards or moving in the Other direction or Opposite direction.
7x1 is 7
7x2 is 14 encodes 5
7x3 is 21 encodes 3
7x4 is 28 encodes 1
7x5 is 35 encodes 8
7x6 is 42 encodes 6
7x7 is 49 encodes 4
7x8 is 56 encodes 2
7x9 is 63 encodes 9

Look at 4 and 5
4 to the right so going up in multiples
4x1 is 4
4x2 is 8
4x3 is 12 encodes 3
4x4 is 16 encodes 7
4x5 is 20 encodes 2
4x6 is 24 encodes 6
4x7 is 28 encodes 1
4x8 is 32 encodes 5
4x9 is 36encodes 9
Starts to wrap around
4x10 is 40 encodes 4
4x11 is 44 encodes 8
4x12 is 48 encodes 3
4x13 is

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The number mates 1&8, 2&7, 4&5 represent the cross section of the 3d space of the xyz axis of Superluminal Holographic Hypersphere.

The first true prime number 3 squared creates the base 10 counting system.

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Notice our hands are mirrors with opposable thumbs called bilateral symmetry and is based upon the principle of parity.

Having 10 fingers has nothing to do with the origin of the decimal system does it?

Family Number Groups Activation Sequencing [timing and phasing]

Family number groups are critical.

Each one is a plane of 3d space

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Bifilar Mobius Circuits

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Does this show infinity is not infinite?

Is it a closed circuit?

You break the circuit, it won't work!

In the Rodin Coil, everybody puts an input and output.
They want to take the electricity out, they're making it wrong.

There is No input and output!

By the very nature of making it, it's being turned on by the emanation spirit.

Clefting derivatives to the left halving

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The ancients left the 5 and the 2 being the same symbol, but encrypted upside down [or inverted].

This whole thing has to do with inversion.
It is also recycling process of renewal.

To the right is a recycling center.

When you half it or fraction it out, if the fraction [also a decimal] doesn't equal the discrete number, then the system wouldn't have worked.

1/2 is .5
.5/2 is .25
.25/2 is .125
.125/2 is .0625
Do these all equal the discrete numbers?

This is predictive math on a torus so not just 2d; therefore, a computer would know the answer because it would already be in the computer.

It is called vortex based mathematics because it's always in at the time, then goes through the hole and out at the bottom.

Works like an egg beater always compression and decompression.

Are numbers gears?

Still doing 1,2,4,8,7,5 but now doing so with fractions or decimals.

Are all things perfect in 10?

Is this 50, 50 and together they make 100%?

Is this all about quantity and how many parts?

Is everything connected and everything's the same part of a greater whole?

Is there an invisible thread connecting it?

The thread being spirit?

Is everything actually serendipity?

Beyond coincidence?

Has a common thread uniting it?

Think of 5/10 or .5

.25 or 25/100, 4 quarters make 100.

10x10 is 100

Where the 8 is .125 or 125/1000 and 10x100 is 1000

So every time halving, creating a zero and multiplying by 10.
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So if we're not alone and somebody created this system.
Something intelligent.

Has the creator left His dna?

Why are 10's always at the bottom?
Is that bizarre?

Why are our eyes horizontal?

Is that called polarization?

Why are the hundreds always in the middle?

This cannot be by accident.

They can cycle and be at higher levels, but they will always be at the same row.

They always line up.

The 1's are always at the top.

It looks like a duality.

To get from one horizontal spot to another, spirit pulses based on the prime number 3, to get there you have to go 3 steps.

Also if you go the back way, you have to go 3 steps.

It's not a duality, it's an optical illusion

There's Always a spirit, there's always a 3rd controlling it, not just duality or 2 opposing sides.

Everything we take for granted is an optical illusion.

This is because there is Always a 3rd component which is invisible.

We know that we need a magnetic field to control electricity.

You can get more magnetism if you know where the spirit is.

You can get rid of the parasitics, you can get rid of the resistance,
magnetism and spirit have to have the same angle.

You can see the pattern repeat even though it is growing so quickly.

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They cycle.

The electron shear has to do with insulation.

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People are used to counting in multiples of 1, not used to counting in multiples of 4.

The template never changes.
In other words, this circuit must always exist.

Everything will have this principle inside of it as the circuit Must remain the same.

Then you can do multiples of 7 in the upper right hand around the circumference.

You can continue doing this multiples over and over, it will always come back to the discrete number originally known for the circuit.

The circuit is a ratchet. .. it can only go one way always!

It keeps getting tighter and tighter while doing so.

This explains how time works.

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The electron shear always equals unity.

Prime numbers squared, the creative equation

The level of a civilization is never more advanced than it's mathematics!

Base 10 is a living hologram

From 1 to 100 there are only three true 3D counting systems which are
Base 10
Base 26
Base 50

To create higher dimensional AI networks, conventional mathematics fails to realize that binary code CPU processors circuits must come in pairs, and that they are calculating in opposite directions.

So all computers that are all doing one calculation one day, one way with the binary code doesn't realize that you've got to have a reverse flow to be effective and efficient.

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So this is quantum exponential transition.

The whole is in the parts.
As above so below.

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This is showing all the prime radixes.

It's not arbitrary. You can't have hexadecimal [a numbering system with base 16, or possible digit values from 0 to 9, followed by six alphabetic characters -- A, B, C, D, E and F].

Even the binary code doesn't work.
That's why our computers are so primitive.

You have to tie the quantum into the hologram.

Three dimensional, superluminal holographic hypospheres.

The base 10 perspectives

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Showing the surface,

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Now you can see the circuits above and they're always in pairs going 1,2,4,8,7,5
There's a leading edge to the hole and a trailing edge away from the hole and out.
Like a fan blade.

All the energies are always focused on the hub or hole which is the source.
The 3,6,9 are the gaps.

Used to seeing multiples of 1, bur not of 4 and others.

All of the multiplication series have juxtapositioned themselves and switched to new multiplication series.

It's mind boggling.
The director of Microsoft, Russel, who devoted his life to Rodin's work for advanced operating systems.

The horizontal axis are multiples of 5.

Who would have ever thought that multiplication tables are right angles of a 3d Torus.

You can't see the Z axis because it's tangential, but remember it's always revealing itself by the number that's there, never moves and the functions move here it's doubling. . .
4,8, it's really being cleft, 16, 32 and the palindrome 3,9,6.

They're really nested vortices that are going in and out,
they're eddy currents
because when you stand on the side of a river, you see eddy currents.
When you look at the air you can see eddy currents from smoke.

The torus has eddy currents.
The skin is exicted.
Numbers are alive.
It's kinetic energy.
The torus is dynamic.
It's aerodynamic.

The reason everyone doesn't figure it out is. . .there are 3 separate tori
that are following the same principles
that actually combine.

In base 26 there's more.

The three tori seen above are for base 10 which is all you really need to make energy superconductors.

It is the schematic for an energy machine.

The Rodin Coil is famous for being an energy machine, but most people do not make it correctly.

As you can see, this is Quite involved and all will not fit inside of here.
See the replies for more key info. Thank you!

The Fast and Oh so beautiful all Summarized thank you Great Warrior Michelle!
This is an Awesome channel to sub!

The Power Of Our Ethereal and Earthly Elements

Check it out! When Michelle showed me this vid it reminded me of the Circle of 4ths and Circle of 5ths movement chart I have for teaching creative piano.

The colors also remind me of the art work from #CharlesDelschau and the #AeorshipClubs of long ago.

Check out the colors and how they coincide from the chart to his artwork and note that John Keely spoke about harmonics running his air craft. How about that? If you want to find out more, check the connecting articles and Remember the song It's the End of the World as We Know it. . .emphasis on the As We Know it as we are rising up to a better reality. . .it starts out with WHAT. ..

Screen Shot 2022-11-09 at 11.18.23 AM.png

How about those Aeroclubs from long ago?

Now consider this breakdown and when it all occurred. . .not to mention the boy holding the pic of his father perhaps? You decide. Then check out the breakdown which is featured in under 13min. Place on full screen by clicking the diagonal by hovering over the bottom middle right. Fully Sourced.

Screen Shot 2022-11-09 at 11.18.23 AM.png
[look for Andrews Airship article below. . .Whoa!]

Time lines and Evidence all laid out in here if you scroll down a little.
Eery? Uncanny? You decide, but we Know #ThereAreNoCoincidences


From my channel TestingTheNarrative and you will see WHY they pulled this down along with my Entire Channel on YT a few years ago! Under 13min. Fully Sourced!



See connecting articles here,

Remember Nikola Tesla's earthquakes at his laboratory in New York? Did you know the earthquakes in Alaska were caused by his lab in Colorado Springs? A set of drawings was found in an antique shop in Phoenix, AZ by artist Abe Zucca


Andrews Airship of 1863. Did Amos Dolbear know something Alexander Graham Bell didn't? Sam Tillman, what did he know? Aero Clubs, Aero ships, what New York looked like in 1903 video! A Trump Train from the 1800's? 4500 series!





What really resides in your body as you are created in the Image Of God! What are Transverse Waves and what energy do they produce and work off of? The Same energy that shatters lead crystal can destroy a bridge? Can this be done on the microscopic level?



What is the meaning of more Geomagnetic Storms, the Aurora Borealis being seen all over the world. Signs of the times and in the sky the Bible Talks about? A Rapture Event? Are you more than a body? Check out the verified signs!




Uncle John Trump who was friends with Tesla history inside of here,

What's in a Trump all it encompasses. How it has connections to the Battle Hymn of the Republic played for Independence Day 2019 and a very Historical Inauguration


The Searl Effect Generator Anti-Gravity and Perpetual Motion Device, Project Looking Glass, Keely's Etheric Generator-Liberator, Boyd Bushman's Quantum Antigravity


#MarcoRodin, #Galileo, #RodinCoil, #MobiusCircuit, #VortexMath, #LanguageOfNature, #PrimeNumbers, #Toruses, #Tori, #RussellBlake, #PerfectAlgorithms, #ElectronShear, #DecimalParity, #SuperliminalHolographicHyposphere, #QuantumExponentialTransition, #Base10, #BaseTen, #CleftingDerivitives, #Halving, #BifilarMobiusCircuits, #FamilyNumberGroups, #ActivationSequence, #Sequencing, #TimingAndPhasing, #AliceThrowTheLookingGlass, #Mirror, #BaseTenCountingSystem, #TheLorenzButterflyEffect, #BlackHole, #CondensedMatterPhysics, #Dimensions, #OmniDimensional, #TheInvisibleZaxis, #Zaxis, #SpiritWaxis, #Electricity, #HarmonicOscillations, #AbjadSystem, #AbjadReckoning, #NikolaTesla, #GODSPEED!

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