Ferdinand Marcos
September 11, 1917
Marcos "Last Will" and "Global Agreement"
By Pres. Ferdinand E. Marcos
Jul 1, 2015 - 3:13:26 AM
A few years ago when I was working heavily with our OITC project in this section... I was sent files of the last will and testament of Marcos and the Global Agreement of 1980. I have finally been given permission by David Righter to publish them. These were scanned documents and we cleaned them up and made nice pdf's.. best we could. I know the Marcos Last Will and Testament has been published someplace on the net so its no secret anymore anyway. I don't think I have seen the global agreement of 1980 published on the net . It was never activated .
Know to all men these presents.
That I,
Ferdinand Edralin Marcos
with Diffused codename:
AAA - 777 andSpiritual King Solomon of Israel
, of Legal Age, Married to Imeda RomuladezMarcos y Ongpin, President of the Philippine Islands and General Holder of thefollowing Assets and Properties entrusted to me by the Eternal Creator for the benefit of the People of the Philippine Islands to with:
AAA Account no. FM - 01
worth of $ 120, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000,000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000.
Spiritual Wonder Boy Account no. AM221
worth of $ 800, 000, 000, 000, 000,000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000,000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000,000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000,000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000,000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000.[Note that’s $800 x 10
f I counted the zeros correctly. That’s a lot of lumpia! - AK
) And
ALPHA - OMEGA Account no. 999
worth of $
directlyintended for the welfare and benefit of the People of the Philippine Islands:
with Original Certificate of Title no. 779 under Survey Plan no. 11
4509with constant measurement of 451, 000 sq. km. Of the total land area covering the Islands of Luzon to the Islands of Subah and registered under Lands Registration Act no. 496 in accordancewith the provisions ratified by and between the United States of America and Spain datedDecember 10, 1898 held in Paris, France with distinguished map, made and old printed fromtime of King Bernardo Carpio following bought thru cheating of Spanish Colonies, until boughtby Dr. Jose Rizal illegally sold by Spain to the United States of America, illegal sold by Gen.Emilio Aquinaldo to the US Authorities and
brought by the undersigned to the United Statesof America worth $ 20, 000, 000, 000 or 10, 000 metric tons of gold bars that preservedbeneath the World Trade Center in New York City, USA
that directly intended for thewelfare and benefit of the People of the Philippine Islands and
MISCELLANEOUSAUTHORITY PROVENANCES such as: (1.) Authority to FREEZE and DEFREEZE againstexisting Mother and Extensive Accounts, (2.) Authority to MONETIZE and DEMONITIZE andInternational and Local Currencies, (3.) Authority to LOCK and UNLOCK against existingMother and Extensive Accounts, (4.) Authority to CEASE/DECEASE and RESURRECT againstMother and Extensive Accounts, (5.) Authority to REPRESENT and EXPEL Signatures of Foreign Authorities and the undersigned, (6.) Authority to MEDITATE and DIRECTINTERNATIONAL MOVER against existing Mother and Extensive Accounts. (7.) Authority toAUDIT and SUSTAIN AUDIT against existing Mother and Extensives Accounts, (8.) Authority
to MODIFY and REVIVE against existing Mother and Extensive Accounts and Authority asKEEPERS AUTHENTICATOR and ARRANGER of all Physical Precious Commodities such asGold, Diamond, Silver and Platinum and (10.) Authority to ENGRAVE and UNENGAGEDPrinting of Monetary Currencies worlds after having duly sworn to in accordance with lawhereby stated that:
That the undersigned was SOLE HOLDER of said Assets and Properties that entrusted thruchanneled events from
King Bernardo Carpio or Spiritual Judge Samson of Israel
whoshared his Testimony over said Treasures of the Philippine Islands thru papers of his legaldeposits under
White Mongolia Account
and who acquired from
Foreign Traders
Alpha-Omega Ring
Old Text Printed Paper from the time of Adam
, into Noah into ProphetMoses, Judge Samson, King David and King Solomon of Israel that the undersigned hereintowill be Transmitted Directly to
with InternationalRecognized Codename and Number:
Spiritual Wonder Boy and AM - 01
Spiritual KingDavid of Israel
and Legitimate Husband of
with RecognizedCodename and Number S
piritual Maria Christina and C1- C2 and Spiritual Bathsheba of Israel
: which those Treasures, way back time from year 965, were agreed upon and executed byand between King Carpio and Foreign Traders such as Mongols, Koreans, Indians, Malays,Japanese and Chinese indicated that in exchange of trade and loan from the Philippine Islandswhich the Islands were very rich from Physical Gold, Silver, Diamond and Platinum Mines thatthose traders must be paid twice of their actual loan materials as sample is one piece of gold with1 gram must be paid two piece of gold per gram and from year 965 to year 1000, MongoliaRaiders traded and agreed such nature of trading in the Philippine Islands until they planned torock and invade the Philippine Islands and from time being. Foreign Invaders thru Mongolia andChinese Counterparts were retrieved some remaining papers left by King Carpio stating thatbefore he o
to block and hinder
Rolling Stones
in Mt. Sierra in the town of Montalban and a nearby town of Rodriguez, Rizal Province; he left those Treasures to the Peopleof the Philippine Islands and he stood
Dali Daliktuna or Maria Banahaw, a Lady Shaman of Mt. Banahaw in Quezon Province
Spiritual Delilah
to take charge as Trustee over saidTreasures and as time has passed by Mongolia in aid of Philippine Treasures, invaded more landsin the Asian Region then when they took unpredictable empires they landed throughout AsiaRegions then from year 1206
1294 they invaded and landed more land in the Western Regionsincluding the Holy Land and Eastern Europe and some in the remote area of the AmericanContinents until Mongolia end their reoccupation of more lands in the world leaving said CarpioDocuments in China after they receipt downfall on year 1290’s until the Western Civilizationcorrespond invasion of more lands outside their area and Spain was one of among EuropeanExpedition and Adventurer to conquest Lands outside Spain first in Latin America thenthereafter in the Philippine Islands, Spain and other European Counterparts learned that thoseMongolian Treasures, the used to be as retrieved from Eastern Europe were sustained withMongolian Raiders but they didn’t know that those Treasures were whole partly influenced byCarpio’s Treasures. Those European invaders used that Carpio’s Treasures to invade more landoutside of Europe and Spain, thru Cheating with Blood Compact by and between King Si-katuna
successfully gained victory over hanging bridge when the International Court ruled toreaffirm the conclusiveness of those Certified Deposits for the Filipino People and thePleaders or Petitioners never contested their plead before the Statute of the InternationalCourt and they allowed to hunt within the mountainous and undersea area of thePhilippine Islands and the undersigned allowed those pleaders to hunt for nothing forsometime on year 1980 because those Treasures were identified and recognized by theInternational Court as Carpio’s and Rizal’s Treasures allocated for the Filipino Peopleand sometime on year 1976, the undersigned bought The Philippine Islands with OriginalCertificate of Title no. 779 under Survey Plan no. 11-4509 with constant measurement of 451,000 sq. Km of the total land area covering the Islands of Luzon to the Islands of Sabah and registered under Lands Registration Act no. 496 in accordance with theprovisions ratified by and between the United States of America and Spain datedDecember 10, 1898 held in Paris France worth $ 20, 000, 000, 000 excessive from theoriginal sum of $ 100, 000, 000 as officially priced by and to the American Authoritiesand under Federal Agreement made and executed by and between Pres. Gerald Ford andthe undersigned in the White House, Washington DC, USA; they agreed to Recognizetheir Lost Assets and Properties recovered by the undersigned as Assets and Properties of the Filipino People that still identified as Assets and Properties of King Carpio.
Theundersigned and HM, Queen Elizabeth II of England in the Buckingham Palace, London, England with leaving to Queen Elizabeth the Physical Ancient Ring of Alpha-Omega
and some Miscellaneous Agreements made and executed by and
betweenthe undersigned and the United Nations Organization and the Committee of 300held in UN Headquarters, New York, USA
, thereafter, the tragic incident of theassassination of Sen. Benigno Aquino Jr. Sometime on year 1983 was brought a storm of Presidency that caused the undersigned to leave post to Corazon Cojuangco Aquino, whowon thru cheating and revolt without knowing that the undersigned was only entrusted tothe Office of Presidency to Judge Pijao and the undersigned didn’t know everythingabout evil deeds of Judge Pijao to the nation like taking $40, 000, 000 credits to theWorld Bank Group using a Secret Deal by the World Bank itself the abuse of power of Judge Pijao and Ms. Patricia Remedios Santiago Trinidad, the acclaimed Imelda Marcosand a proclamation of Martial Law without reaffirmation of the Philippine Congress andthru this the undersigned suffered more Distress and Disappointment among the peoplewhom I wished to aid Economic Promise for their recovery upon strike of Global Crisisto be expected to come in the future but still those Assets and Properties that theundersigned executed thru galleries of documents that intending all maturities of saidDeposits to the Filipino People.
Those funds upon maturities on year 2000 and beyond, shall reconsider to be intendedfor the following Development Programs for the Filipino People’s Profits:
1.) Livelihood Program to set and to engage Filipino into entrepreneurship program.
2.) Scholarship Programs to assist all Scholars to perform their school works fromPrimary to Collegiate Level.
3.) Health Care Programs to assist all Filipino Beneficiaries to maintain good health.
4.) Disability/Retirement/Pension Programs to assist all Disabled/Retiree/Under PensionFilipino Beneficiaries to claim these benefits.
5.) National Infrastructure of Urban and Rural Venture Programs such as Concrete Roads,Bridges, School Building, Hospital Building, Relocation Buildings and Railway Systemsuch as Ordinary Railways, Light Rail Systems and Bullet Trains.
6.) Agricultural and Irrigation Development Programs to assist all Farmers and otherAgricultural Workers to maintain and sustain their demands and needs.
7.) Mining Programs to be chosen by above mentioned Authorized Party
8.) Industrial and other Economic Matters to assist more Filipino to perform workforcethroughout Philippine Islands for their daily needs.
The undersigned do hereby Abolished, at all cost and effect, Ms. Patricia R. S. Trinidad(acclaimed Imelda Marcos). Mr. Fidel Valdez Ramos. Ignacio Enrique Coronado, JudgeAlfonso Pijao. Alvincent Gook Bersales (Pijao’s Appointed Trustee). General Juan PonceEnrile, Mr. Lucio Tan, Mr John Gokonguei, Mr. Henry Sy. Sr. Mr Jain Augusto Zobelde Ayala. Mr. Eduardo M. Cojuangco, Mr. Ferdinand Marcos y Santiago (acclaimedBongbong Marcos which the Original one has already died sometimes on year 1975). MsImee Lacson y Santiago (Imee Marcos). Mr. Demetrio Bondoc Garcia, Ms IreneCojuangco y Santiago (Irene Marcos) and other Trustee names recognized by theundersigned both local and foreign Trustee including the Republic of the Philippines andall Maturities of above said Assets and Properties shall wholeheartedly be decided by theundersigned to modify in the future and all accounts, either Mother Accounts andExtensive Accounts, shall, at all legal force, cost and effect, be automatically modifiedand interlocked, on or before the entrance of the year 2000, into New Modified Mother tobe handled solely by
Spiritual Wonder Boy
forthe benefit of the People of the Philippine Islands and all aforesaid Fiscal Maturities shall,at all legal cost, force and effect, be Automatically transmitted to any Local RegisteredBanks in the Philippine Islands or to Banks to be erected and established by
As the undersigned agreed this agreement full will, good faith and authority an ascritically health emancipation, the undersigned do hereby given this Acknowledgment to
with International Recognized Codename andNumber:
Spiritual Wonder Boy
Spiritual King David of Israel
and hisLegitimate Wife
with Recognized Codename and Number:
Spiritual Maria Christina
Spiritual Bathsheba of Israel
as dulyAUTHORIZED SIGNATORY to execute and exercise Full Rights of Authorityexercised by the undersigned for the betterment of the People of the Philippine Islandsand no opposition or resistance from the undersigned are subject to be Invoked and noPhysical Precious Commodities, Physical and Authentic Left or Right Thumb Print fromthe undersigned and Official Seal of the Office of the President and Notaries Seal areeternally Required as to prove the undersigned’s identification and the undersigned onlyrequire A
to present or submit to the United NationsDiplomatic Office in the Philippine Islands a copy of his Certficate of Live Birth and hisBirthmarks such as his small mole in the left corner of his nose and a small fat crabplaced at the back of his left neck. And the undersigned shall RECOGNIZED,RECONSIDER and RECONFIRM the VALIDITY and AUTHENTICITY of this Formeither in Original or Duplicate form and submit to the United Nations Diplomatic Officein the Philippine Islands for further records.
In witness and faith whereof, we have hereunto signed this Form without any witness thisDecember 20, 1988 at the Buckingham Palace, London, Great Britain.
(Marcos left hand signature) (Marcos right handsignature)
HE Pres. Ferdinand Edralin MarcosHE Pres. Ferdinand Edralin
MarcosSigned in Left Hand Signed in Right Hand
American Kabuki:
I typed this in by hand using the orginal PDF I had plus some images I enhanced in photoshop tobring out some of the text details. I don't guarantee I have all the zeros correct in some of these numbers but I did mybest to get them right. What little text I could not decypher I left as "[unclear]" for each instance of word that was illegibledue to the UN Mail Room stamp. This PDF has been on my hard drive for years, but I didn't have a context for it untilnow. The bank code names meant nothing to me when I first got it. The PDF I had follows this and is hard to read. 1/31/13
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