First early harvest! 2018 Legal Marijuana Grow - Episode 10

in marijuana •  6 years ago  (edited)

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Okay so just three buds, but it still counts as the first harvest of 2018 for me! Lots of bud porn :)

Back Episodes

Ep1 - "Got my girls in the ground" | Ep2 - "They grow up so fast" | Ep3 - "Mysterious pest damaging leaves" | Ep4 - "What have I wrought?" | Ep5 - "Invasion of the Insect Hordes" | Ep6 - "Sometimes a girl just needs some room to breathe" | Ep7 - "6' 8" tall and still growing fast" | Ep8 - "War of the Caterpillars" | Ep9 - "Flowers and Trichomes, Oh My!"

Earlier this week

my kids accidentally broke off one of the small lower branches of the Blue City Diesel while crawling around behind the plants.

I heard some thrashing around in the plants and stepped outside to check on them.

"It fell off!" said @thingone :)

The branch had only a few super wispy little buds on it, which I dried quickly overnight next to the heater. Even these scraggly little buds, dried fast as they were, taste great and have a nice high! This inspired me to intentionally harvest a few nicer buds so I can start enjoying the fruits of my labor.

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Two nugs of Blue City Diesel on the left; one nug of Girl Scout Cookies far right

Blue City Diesel

The BCD is starting to stack up pretty nicely. She has lost most of her shade leaves already and is really putting all her energy into budding. She has sort of a tentacle-monster feel to her with the way I trained her limbs over. This makes me happy :)

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She still has gorgeous pink hairs!

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You can see some purple color coming out in the bud...

Girl Scout Cookies

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The GSC shade leaves have taken on some interesting deep purples, a stark contrast to the shade leaves on the BCD which mostly just turned yellow and fell off.

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She doesn't seem to be stacking the buds as heavily as the BCD but I am hoping she is just a late bloomer :)

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Thankful to live in a legal state!

I am thankful to live in Oregon, a state which has finally legalized marijuana for recreational use. I can legally grow up to four plants (I have two beautiful girls). I hope to see the legalization movement continue to sweep across America regardless of the current political climate.

Cheers - Carl

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