Marijuana the Next Cigarette

in marijuana •  7 years ago 

In January this year the internet went viral with so called Marlboro M marijuana cigarette set to hit the market, but for pot lovers it was a damp squib, as they forgot to read the disclaimer. Coming to reality, Americans have had enough of brain cracking over pot for decades, and the Oscar has been taken by Colorado for becoming the first state to legalize marijuana. Not to be left behind Washington followed suit which also arose the sagging spirits of cigarette manufacturers to cash in.
Can’t blame them, with cigarettes sales dropping in recent times and the e-cigs cantering away in the race for supremacy, they needed to kindle new inspiration in smokers to come running for them. But in spite of allegations that marijuana diminishes IQ, pot lovers are never short of innovations as they have already found a way to smoke the pot in e-cigs. Though there are no mustards to grind, all you have to do is replace the e-cig solution with marijuana oil and voila you are good for a drag. It is discreet and stealth as there is no giveaway odor much to the liking of the students.

Marijuana cigarettes have become a reality, and in the state of Colorado they are rolled out stuffed with about 100 mg of THC laced marijuana per stick. The foundation was laid in 2012 when Colorado voted in favor of sale of recreational marijuana and now pot shops are up and running, and flourishing you may add. On the first day of legal sale of the herb this year in Colorado; it was a national holiday for pot smokers as they formed a beeline hours before the curtain was raised.
Though it is not that the whole of Colorado went gaga over it, and there are many blind spots where marijuana has not reached yet. Ultimately, the ball is on the court of the communities weather to allow pot shops in their neighborhood, and surprisingly many have chosen to keep the drug away. But after Colorado and Washington the wave swept Portland, Maine, and Michigan. Some cities generously allowed possession of 21 ounce of marijuana for people above 21 years of age, which is good news.

The point here to ponder is why are the states in US hesitant to legalize marijuana when they allow cigarettes. There are some who claim that smoke of tobacco contains nicotine which is more harmful than marijuana. Whereas the compounds found in marijuana are known to have medical effects, and studies have shown they can help with certain types of diseases including different types of cancers and prostate diseases.![cannabis-sativa-leaf.jpg]

It is a different matter that billions of dollars worth of marijuana businesses is done illegally in US, government is losing out on taxing and making financial gains. On the opening day of legalized sales in Colorado the magic herb sales reached $1 million, furthermore it is predicted that the legal sales of pot by 2018 could reach $8 billion. It seems that the government and pot smokers are looking for a high in coming times.

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