Classification Cannabis or the Marijuana Seeds

in marijuana •  8 years ago 

Cannabis or the Marijuana Seeds are basically seeds used as drugs as well as for many medical purposes. These seed are not very easily available to everyone but those who wish to grow them or breed them can buy them from the Marijuana Seed Banks online. There are various kinds of marijuana seeds, all with different properties. Knowledge about the various seeds is very important for the grower to select the right kind of seeds according to his demands and conditions. The following content will help you learn about various kinds of marijuana seeds, so that you can order the best marijuana plant considering all your conditions and preferences.

Indica Marijuana Seeds

The Indica marijuana seeds eventually grow into short and fluffy plants that give a good yield. The leaves of this plant feature wide fingers. These plants take about 8 weeks or even less for budding and flowering. In terms of the benefits of the Indica plants, they are more advantageous and relaxing than the Sativa plants. These plants are also a great boon to the medical industry as they have curing and tremendous pain relieve properties.

Sativa Marijuana Seeds

Sativa marijuana seed grow to plants that are considered one of the classiest plants among all the marijuana plants. These plants are tall and very impressive. Their flowering period goes up to 13 weeks and may well take more than that in certain cases. Their maturity period is one of the major reasons the growers avoid this plant. In the medical aspect, these plants have a great demand as they have several healing properties.

Feminized Marijuana Seeds

The feminized marijuana seeds have a unique way of production. These seeds are produced by treating chemicals that helps in making all the seeds feminine. This is a great advantage to the growers who do not are worried about considering the female count of seeds in a pack. If anyone wants to increase the number of the female seeds, all they have to do is feminize the seeds by the use of certain specific chemicals. Doing this will also save the growers from the additional cost they would have had to pay for the additional feminine seed purchase.

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Guys, I need to order some marijuana seeds right now so can you please help me with this problem guys? Thanks in advance for your help here.

Monica, if you still need some help with such stuff then I recommend you to visit oaseeds resource as there you can easily buy cannabis seeds. I have used it a few times and they delivered everything quite fast so I hope that you will like their service there too. I wish you good luck with this stuff.