ORMUS: what is and how to make it.

in marijuana •  8 years ago 

ORMUZ, often referred to as ORME (Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Element or M-state element), is made from water and other substances and is also known as monoatomic gold, white gold, white powder gold, M-state, AuM, micro clusters, and manna.

In some quarters, Ormus is called the Philosopher’s Stone. Due to their peculiar features, ORMEs have been a favorite among alternative medicine supporters and alchemists around the world. There are many myths associated with Ormus, with many believing it to be a magical element.

ORMEs have the same number of protons and electrons as their mineral counterparts that are found on the Periodic Table of elements. These are chemically identified as a separate class of substances, as is the case with halogens. They, however, have separate placements on the two-dimensional Periodic Table. Such elements are similar to silicon-type, ceramic powdery substances that appear to be isolated forming micro-cluster bits of atomic materials.

ORMEs appear to be closer to ether (a classical element) or vacuum or pure energy. The most interesting feature of Ormus is that it is able to switch from being one metal to another at different temperatures.

This observation was first made by Albert Einstein and Satyendra Nath Bose in the 1920s, due to which is it now known as the Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC). This was later confirmed in 1995 by Eric Cornell and Carl Wieman in a laboratory. The greatest contribution, however, came from David Hudson, a farmer in Arizona who noticed some peculiar features in these strange materials. He spent millions of dollars studying these elements and later patented his process of obtaining and identifying ORMEs.

Ormus is believed to be a precious metal element in a different atomic state. Gold, silver, platinum, iridium, osmium, palladium, mercury, rhodium, ruthenium, copper, nickel, and cobalt were identified by Davidson as Ormus elements. He also stated that all these metals were available in abundance in their Ormus form as compared to their actual states.

David Hudson added that Ormus could be found in the air, soil, plants, stones, and the sea. Ormus elements are embedded into the DNA structure of plants and animals and are thought to be an integral part of our skin, nails, hair, blood, brain, and all the organs of our body.

Since Ormus elements have the same number of protons and electrons as their mineral counterparts, it is very difficult to distinguish between the two categories. The only difference lies in how these elements spin. Ormus elements are known to respond to the magnetic forces of attraction and repulsion. They are superconductors at room temperature and exhibit other quantum physical behaviors on a visible scale.

ORMEs are also known to exhibit the quantum physical behaviors of super fluidity, anomalous responses to gravity, Josephson tunneling, and magnetic levitation.

Health Benefits of Ormus

Ormus elements are believed to be the life-giving elements found in all living being. They have been one of the best curative sources in alternate medicine as they are believed to rectify many ailments with almost magical powers. Many alternative medicine practitioners state that since our body is made up of these very elements, ORMEs make for natural, holistic healing devices. Since they aren’t made of any synthetic elements, they hardly have any side effects as compared to conventional drugs.

A lot of plants or foods like almonds, aloe vera, apricot kernels, garlic, royal jelly, sheep sorrel, and white pine bark are said to be rich in ORMEs. The holistic benefits of Ormus are many, with a few of them being:

ORMEs are believed to restore original DNA structure, possibly even assisting in its evolution. This property speeds up the healing process in case of any injury. It also prevents foreign matter from spreading and causing further complications in the body.
Ormus is a super nutrient which also reduces the need for consuming large qualities of food.
Aging is a natural process which cannot be reversed, but Ormus can help in decelerating the aging cycle and curbing its onset. For example, greying hair, wrinkled skin, and other common signs of aging can be slowed down. Ormus also helps in keeping the brain active and boosts memory even in old age.
ORMEs change our energy field into a super conductor, which helps in generating energy from within. You will notice a tremendous change in your body if you use this alternative form of medicine. Ormus also betters your state of mind and boosts activity levels.
Ormus acts as a powerful cleansing agent and can rid your body of all the harmful toxins that are present within. This helps in preventing many dangerous ailments from surfacing in your system.

Simple Ormus-Making Recipe

This recipe s offered by Anne Beversdorf. Please feel free to copy and distribute. There is absolutely NO recommendation about usage here. This is an experimental product available for research purposes.

Equipment needed:

2 Stainless steel or pyrex bowls, to hold at least ½ gallon volume each
Coffee filters
Strainer to hold coffee filters (coffee pot top is ok unless aluminum.) Do not use aluminum.
Squirt bottle with good lid, or dropper bottle
pH paper that tests up to at least 11 (I’m happy with strips ordered from www.indigo.com )
Glass jar (spigot at bottom is useful)
Turkey baster or 50cc syringe (esp. if you don’t have a spigot on the jar)
Pyrex measuring cup.

Ingredients needed:

Coarse sea salt. The gray kind that looks damp—clumps together—is best. I get it from Trader Joe’s for $3.79/2-cup jar. Or you can order Dead Sea Salt directly from www.snowdriftfarm.com
Lye (Red Devil Lye is in most groceries in the Drano section). You can also order food grade lye from www.snowdriftfarm.com
Gallon of Distilled water
White distilled vinegar
Preparation: Do this over the sink, out of the way.

Pour one cup of distilled water in Pyrex measuring cup that’s sitting in the sink. Add two tablespoons of lye powder. Standing back from the sink so fumes don’t get in your eyes, stir powder til it dissolves. Note: The water will get hot. If lye powder contacts your skin or clothes, remove it immediately with water and soap---take off the clothing immediately. The powder will eat through clothing and skin.

Place the squirt bottle or dropper bottle in the sink and pour the lye solution into the bottle. If water is still hot, leave the lid loosely placed over the top. You can fasten it later, when the water cools down.


Pour 4 cups of water in a bowl and dissolve 1cup of salt in the water. (Different brands of salt have different yields. Dead Sea salt takes 1/8 cup per gallon.)
Strain salt water thru coffee filters into the second bowl. You will probably have to use many coffee filters, as there’s a lot of “stuff” in sea salt.
With pH paper ready, start adding dropperfuls (or very small squirts) of lye-water to the salt water, STIRRING CONSTANTLY. (Vary your stir pattern, as the lye-water will tend to concentrate on one section unless you blend it everywhere.)
Check the pH of the water. You want the pH to reach 10 without going as high as 11. It will rise slowly til it gets to about 9, and then will go faster. When it gets to about 10 it will suddenly rise FAST. If it gets as high as 11, add a few drops of vinegar to bring the PH back down.
Note: The reason for the exact pH reading is that the m-state elements will drop out of the water at just over 10.5. If you go too high, other elements (“Gilchrist Elements”) will drop out of the water, and they are bad for you. So you want the pH to stay under 11. (10.78 to be exact).
When the correct pH is reached, check several places in the water to make sure it’s evenly distributed.
Pour water in large jar. Let it settle for at least 4 hours. Overnight is best. A white or grey precipitate will form at the bottom of the jar.
When 4-12 hours has passed, drain or siphon off the clear water (salt water), and refill the bottle with distilled or good drinking water. (You may keep this water, adding more distilled to it and raising the pH to get more precipitate.) Shake it and let it settle again. This is called “washing the precipitate”.
Wash the precipitate at least 3 times with clean water, each time shaking it and letting it settle at least 4 hours before repeating.
After the last wash, pour the “slurry” of grey/white powder and water into a glass jar with a lid and save it for use. Store it away from electric or magnetic fields.
Since Ormus is strongly affected by intent and by energy fields, it seems to increase its potency if you surround it with high-energy objects. These range from crystals, to photos of beloved teachers or grandmothers, to written intentions of goals, etc.
How to use If you choose to ingest it, start with about a half teaspoon twice a day. If you take too much at the beginning you may go into a “healing crisis” as your body detoxes.

It has also been applied directly to the skin to improve scars, age spots, wrinkles, discolorations, etc.

Pets and plants love it. (You don’t need to use much on plants to get huge yields. If you use TOO much, yield drops. The ratio, for what it’s worth, is 3 gallons per acre once a season. I’ve also heard one-half cup per five gallons of water.) Flowering plants bloom like mad after receiving just a drop of Ormus in their water.

For more information on Ormus, combining Ormus with essential oils, or for astrological insights into personal growth, contact:

Anne Beversdorf Inner Growth Counselor Western and Vedic Astrologer.


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