Loving Mary Jane

in marijuana •  9 years ago 

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There are many things in which are great and amazingly breathtaking about living in this beautiful state of Good Old Colorado and right now I would like to touch base on one of them. The plant we all love and call many things, for me it’s Mary Jane. I began smoking Mary Jane long before it was legal and long before I ever lived here in Denver and I still remember I first it like it was yesterday. It just so happens that my childhood best friend was my cherry popper when it came to miss Mary Jane. I remember stand in her kitchen and as she scrabbled to find “munchie” foods Mr. AD walk through the door.. Yea my heart dropped at this point and all I could do was stand there with a weird look on my face. Well as he begins to walk through the kitchen he flashes his walk really close to my face and I lost it, like literally lost it. I laughed so deeply hard in that moment for… honestly no reason at all but it is still to this day one of my best memories.

Now I have had my fair share of trusting the wrong people and going through some pretty fucked up trips because of it but in all honesty I put myself in that position by not trusting in my gut instinct. In no way shape for form do I blame Mary Jane for this. So over the last few years Mary Jane went through study after study in which have proven the worth of this beautiful plant and her ability improve our very world before us. Now I do not want you to take my word for this I would like for you to do you own research because when we do our own research we are able to build what we as individuals believe Mary Jane is able to do or not do. I believe She is capable of many things and here in Colorado has proven some of those like the story behind the plant name Charlotte’s Wed in which was created by the Stanley Brothers here in Good Old Colorado. I have posted the CNN document youtube video below.


I have also added an additional Medical documentary on how Marijuana affects Epilepsy. I found this document very intriguing because I was in a relationship with a women who had Epilepsy and have family members who also have Epilepsy.


P.s Here is a few web sites for you if you would like to do the research for yourself.


Until Next Time,


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Well it looks like California is going to vote again on recreational use..... Hope it passes this time. It just doesn't make any sense not to at this point......
Thanks for the article....

Truthfully I believe this time around a lot more states are going to start standing like Colorado did. I am proud of our State and how far we have come when it comes to making Mary Jane legal. I am also proud because we give other states the proof and confidence they need in order to make the decision to legalize. I know of two state so far that are thinking of either revoting or first time voting it in and that is Cali and Arizona. My fingers are crossed that both states just legalize it like Colorado did but I don't think Cali is going to make it that far just yet.