Are you my Medical Dispensary or just a shop that sells pot?

in marijuana •  7 years ago  (edited)


Six years ago I moved back to Colorado for a couple of reasons. One, I was expecting my first Grandson and Two, I knew that Cannabis was the only thing helping my nerve pain and I wanted to be as legal about it as possible since worrying about getting arrested doesn't really help my pain levels.

Pharmas don't help my pain at all which is a curse and a blessing all at the same time. I'm sure more of a blessing since I don't poison myself with them. But going to ER because my pain is out of control is not an option for me as it is for most people.

Relying on Medical Marijuana is also a curse and a blessing. At least where I live there are plenty of dispensaries available which is nice but when weed went recreational here the prices got jacked way high. I can't even afford to purchase at a recreational shop here, it's crazy. Thankfully, I get a bit of a break at my dispensary but it's not like I have "insurance" to help cover the bill for my monthly meds.

I do have a "membership" at a dispensary but more often than not, they still have nothing in my price range and not necessarily the strains I want. I am not in favor of pharmas but when a patient needs a drug and a Doc writes the script, the pharmacy either has it or orders it for that patient. I wish dispensaries would guarantee a certain amount of quality flower, even shake, at a certain price each month.

I have been using MMJ for six years now and have experimented with strains enough to know at least the level of THC I need to get adequate pain control. There actually is one strain that works better for me than others, I imagine it has something to do with the other cannabanoids and terpines in it. But my dispensary doesn't grow it.

I don't know about other MMJ states, but here they are required to grow a certain percentage of what they sell which really limits the strain options unless you go to a fairly large dispensary. My dispensary is medical only but I still have challenges getting what I need at a price that I can afford.

Recently, I found a lump that requires more than pain control so I headed to the dispensary to get some concentrated oil. Yeah right. It seems that dispensaries don't sell "Rick Simpson" type oil and they won't or can't refer you to anyone that does. WTF? Are you my Medical Dispensary or just a shop that sells pot? Pain control is necessary but I need the big guns now!

I looked up how to make it myself but it requires a lot of material. It can be trim, it doesnt have to be primo flower but still I can't even get enough shake for pain control right now much less gather up a pound of material for oil! Why don't the dispensaries carry this? Isn't treating "lumps" one of Cannabis's major medical uses? If I have designated them as my dispensary shouldn't they get what I need medically or at least help me find some?

I have put some feelers out locally for any indoor growers who are trimming and dont want to bother hashing it since our outdoor growing season is barely getting started. It is very frustrating to be in the freaking weed capital of the US and not be able to find the oil I need. No please do not risk shipping some to me, that is why I moved here so that no one would be put at risk for me to have my medicine.

Perhaps it is time to change from a dispensary to a private caregiver who can grow the strains I need and supply all the trim I need for oil, maybe even make it for me, wouldn't that be a Miracle! If anyone near Boulder Colorado is a private caregiver who feels they could help, please contact me, Thanks! Who knows, maybe I will heal up and buy some land to become a caregiver myself. People who are truly in need of this medicine deserve a better experience than what is being provided by the dispensaries. I was planning on a Natural Health Clinic as it was, so I might as well grow and make good medicine for people!

Thank God a friend turned me on to Black Cumin Seed Oil. It is reported to cure everything but Death! LOL I will do a separate article on it but at least it is available at the local health food store AND I can afford it! I am taking it 3 times a day so I will let you know how it goes!

Are you a MMJ patient? Do you use a dispensary or a private caregiver? Have you ever used Cannabis for "lumps" and if so what did you use? Did it work? Did you have to make it yourself? What method do you recommend? Thanks for feedback!

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That would be Awesome!