The Potential Side Effects of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol)

in marijuana •  7 years ago  (edited)


You’ve probably heard of THC. A component naturally occurring within the marijuana plant and the main ingredient responsible for giving its users psychoactive effects. We’ll, if you haven’t, here is the lowdown.

Tetrahydrocannabinol, more commonly known as THC, is the chemical compound found in cannabis and is the primary ingredient that is responsible for a euphoric high. THC can be found in marijuana and hemp, but the major difference between the two is that marijuana contains significant amounts of THC, while hemp does not.


THC is mostly known for getting you high, but ‘getting high’ is not all that THC is good for. There are a multitude of benefits that have been scientifically linked to THC. However, it can also have adverse effects on some individuals.

While some people only experience positive effects, others don’t tolerate THC very well. The purpose of this article is to provide readers with an in depth knowledge and understanding of THC, covering its negative side effects. This way each individual will have all the necessary information to make their own decision on whether THC is right for them.

What is THC

We have already given a brief overview on THC but let’s look at it on a more scientific level. THC is one of the 113 chemical compounds that can only be found in the plant genus Cannabis, scientifically known as cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are the compounds that interact with receptors in the brain and body to create various effects. While there are dozens of cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, the most well known are THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (Cannabidiol).


The big difference between these two compounds is that THC alters the mind while CBD does not. THC is the primary psychoactive ingredient that affects how you feel by creating the “high” experienced when you smoke marijuana. Important to note is that THC content can vary from one marijuana plant to the next. This is the reason that you may find you are able to smoke one kind of strain and feel super chilled out but try a different strain and you might feel completely spaced out. Typically speaking, stronger marijuana crops feature around 15-25% THC on average, but extracts and shatters can measure up to anywhere around 80-90% THC in stronger cases.

The psychoactive effects of THC vary from person to person depending on the strength, type of marijuana used and how it is taken. As scientifically described, some of these effects are likely to be change in perception, sensory awareness, behavior and reaction time.

How Does THC Affect the Body and Brain

The first step to understanding how THC affects the body and brain is understanding where and how it works in the brain. After decades of research, scientists identified a new system in the body, called the endocannabinoid (EC) system. The EC system is a unique communications system in the brain and body that is responsible for regulating neurotransmitter function in the brain.


Simply stated, the EC system is a large regulatory network that works to create optimum balance in the mind and body. When compounds like THC interact with the EC system, they change the balance of the system as a whole. After you inhale marijuana smoke, cannabinoid receptors are activated by a neurotransmitter called anandamide. Anandamide is a cannabinoid that is produced by your body. THC mimics the actions of anandamide, meaning that THC binds with cannabinoid receptors and activates neurons which are sent throughout the brain and into different parts of the body. This is what causes the psychoactive effects on the mind and body.

The medicinal elements of THC are also known to encourage certain processes within the body to increase productivity. Known to help people who suffer from insomnia with sleep regulation, it could also counteract nausea by increasing a lack of appetite and has even been used to manage extreme pain. Generally speaking, THC has the ability to improve a wide range of medical conditions and discomforts.

The Medical Side of THC


THC is known for its ability to leave marijuana users happy, relaxed and euphoric. It can also offer many health benefits, like improved sleep, mood and creativity. Some of the most prevalent uses for medical cannabis is the treatment of the following illnesses; insomnia, inflammation, depression, chronic pain, anxiety, nausea, lack of appetite, pain management, chronic stress, menstrual pains, migraines/headaches, chronic fatigue, stomach cramps, muscle tension, bipolar, ADD/ADHD, PTSD, and muscle spasm, to name just a few.

The Potential Side Effects of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol)

Just like practically any medicine, THC can produce its own unique side effects. Although effects may vary from person to person and are dependent on strain type and method of consumption, its worth knowing what the potential risks are.

Here is an overview of the most common side effects of THC:


  • Dry mouth: Also often referred to as ‘Cotton Mouth’ because of the uncomfortable feeling from lack of saliva production experienced after using marijuana. Thankfully this is a minor side effect and can be easily managed if users are prepared. Helpful ways of minimizing the effects are by chewing gum or food which will stimulate the salivary glands and of course to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids before, during and after consuming THC.

  • Red or itchy eyes: Often a ‘giveaway’ to a person being high is their noticeably red eyes. Many users may experience dry, red or itchy eyes after consuming THC. Although often uncomfortable, there is no serious effect of the red eye syndrome and it can be easily treated by stocking up on moisturizing eye drops.

  • Headaches/Lightheadedness/Dizziness: Less common but also a potential side effect of THC is the occurence of headaches, lightheadedness and dizziness. Although there could be a number of reasons for this side effect, it’s likely to be related to dehydration or a lack of fluid consumption. In some other cases, it is simply the way a certain strain makes a specifical body chemistry react. In this case, you might opt to stay away from this strain type in the future and rather try something else.

  • Sleepiness/Lethargy: Often considered to be a therapeutic benefit, THC fights insomnia and promotes rest. However, this could be a problematic and undesirable effect for some, leading to a lack in motivation or functionality. Indica strains are associated with sedative effects whereas sativa strain types tend to be more energizing and motivational. Therefore those wanting to avoid the lethargic effects should try sativa dominant strain types of marijuana.

  • Increased Anxiety/Paranoia/Depression: This is one of the worst side effects of THC but is more prevalent in people who already suffer from mood disorders or have an anxiety or depression disorder to begin with. Small doses of THC usually only induce mild paranoia or anxiety whereas large doses can cause extreme effects. The experience of paranoia, anxiety or depression tends to be linked with how high the dose of THC you consume is. Therefore if you experience any of these symptoms, you should lower the THC content to the point of where you feel comfortable.

Why choose THC


As we have previously mentioned, the two main compounds found in cannabis are THC and CBD. THC has psychoactive effects while CBD does not. Based solely on this fact, we can conclude that THC is not for everyone. For those wanting to maintain functionality and opposed to any mind altering effects, it would be best to stick to CBD. However, having said this, there are a number of people who enjoy the psychoactive experiences associated with Tetrahydrocannabinol and as a result it may be relaxing or exhilarating for them.
THC is also known to change the way we think. It can open up your mind and allow you to see things from a different perspective. This can be a very beneficial experience for some people. In addition, THC may help to treat certain medical conditions more efficiently than CBD.

Whatever the reason might be, the choice to consume THC is an extremely personal and individual decision and will vary from person to person. Your choice will depend heavily on how this cannabinoid affects you, as well as how certain strains affect your body and mind versus others.

It is important to keep in mind that different strains of THC will affect the body in different ways. This means that you might favour certain strains over others and while one strain may work well with you, another strain could have negative effects. If you have done all your research and determined that THC is not for you, the good news is that you do have other options. You could try products that contain CBD. It could even be a strain that contains a greater amount of CBD than THC such as Charlotte’s Web, Canna-Tsu, ACDC, Ringo’s Gift, to name a few.

Alternatively you can purchase CBD based products that contain only tiny traces of THC (no more than 0.3%) to avoid side effects such as decreased reaction time and change in behavior. Non-psychoactive CBD extracts are legal and available to purchase throughout the United States as well as in other countries that have legalised cannabis for medical and recreational use.


There are a variety of benefits associated with the consumption of THC. From psychological issues to medical conditions, THC can be extremely useful and could even have healing effects on some people. There are also numerous strains of cannabis on the market, containing various doses of THC. If you have a negative experience with one strain, you could always try a different strain. It’s entirely possible to have completely different reactions, depending on the type of strain you consume. However, you should always keep in mind that there is the possibility of experiencing negative side effects as discussed above.

If you discover that THC is not for you, CBD is a great alternative and also offers some incredible medical benefits.

None of the above information has been evaluated or reviewed by a doctor or medical professional and is merely medical insight. We hope that you found this article to be not only interesting but also educational and informative.

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Send me some so I can confirm these findings.

VERY good content! And actual real facts that need to be spread to replace mainstream BS.. Hit very good points in that post the goods and the bads :) great work, keep it up! resteemed, upvoted and following!

Thanks! Will continue to post after this week long pause. :)

something i feel is ignored by or unknown to a lot of users ... thc is mostly the bit why starting to young is not a good idea as frequent use leads to distorted views of normal reality (where i , as always use normal as a statistical term, not a judgment on the good <-> evil axis :p)

i'll resteem later but i want to keep the current on top for at least 24 hours for exposure, you guy got some great stuff, dont be afraid of repeating some things after a while, its a big network

(for the steemd junkies and readers : why would i upvote my own replies sometimes ? b/c its a strategic move that puts it closer to the top whereas in general its been checked years ago that the bigger part of internet-users by default ADD rarely take the effort to scroll far down a page :-) its not narcissism ;-) ... i also tend to not go below 92% vp as long as i dont get at least 30sp and i try to use up that 8% before i get off to sleep or go somewhere so none of it is lost ... i'm a force of chaos which doesnt mean there's no thought involved ...)
sorry for that, that has nothing to do with your post here but everything with my posts everywhere)

allright then ... good luck to everyone

Excellent article. I hope you write one in the future about the differences between smoking and eating cannabis. I've noticed now that it is legal in some places people not knowing better make the mistake of eating a high dose and end up having some pretty frightening experiences.

Oh my god back in the day we would eat hashish on the bus back from school. Never has reading a dictionary been so hilarious.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Sorry if I missed it - but you failed to talk about "cannabinoid hypermesis syndrome" - Ive smoked for about 17 years - and had a crazy battle with CHS back in 2010. It's real. Very real. - to be clear I still smoke and consume edibles but limit my intake to less than a gram a day.

CHS is very serious indeed and research and information on the condition is scarce. It shall be looked into in a future post. Stay strong!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Awesome - I'll keep my eye out for your post. The research is there - agreed its hard to find - but really think how I felt 10 years ago when there really was nothing. I had a doctor actually tell me to smoke because it helps with nausea. IT nearly killed me. Thanks for being an advocate for responsible usage. all the best.

will be new for me to read about CHS also :)

Sometimes when in the middle of an attack you could quit smoking or ingesting but the attack could persist for upwards of a week even when you've stopped - this makes it hard to draw a correlation between the two - Im not kidding I wanted to die - it was the worst thing I've ever dealt with - I've spoken to women who have been affected by it - who have also given birth - They would rather give birth naturally than have to suffer through another attack. Then you have the uber-pro-pot-nutjobs who think CHS is anti pot propaganda - Thats another bag of worms all together.

This post has received a 2.56 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @medicalmarijuana.

This post has received a 1.28 % upvote from @boomerang.

Upvote and follow me bro please, I also voted and followed you

One of my favourite side effects of that my husband actually shuts up for a change and stops twitching and getting up and down while we are watching a film. 😂😂😂 That said, Ive also known a fair share of crew that totally brain fucked themselves smoking far too much dope when it was pretty clear it was fucking with their heads... 😓😓😓