Marijuana sales have now surpassed alcohol sales in Colorado!

in marijuana •  9 years ago 

Marijuana sales have now surpassed alcohol sales in Colorado!
Does this mean that there will be less cancer in Colorado?
The FDA has purposely tried their best to ignore and sweep the evidence under the rug that marijuana is extremely effective in killing cancer cells.
Chemotherapy has a sickening 2.1% success rate.... we need to wake up and quit letting these people poison us.
If you have cancer one of the best things for you is Cannabis, Cannabidiol oil to be more specific.
Even just smoking it has shown incredible results when treating a myriad of different ailments.


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I believe in legalize weed but I know for a fact it doesn't cure Cancer. It may help with dealing with cancer other than taking pain killers. By changing your mood and having a uplifting effect can help your morale.

That might be true for strictly smoking marijuana but it has been proven that Cannabidiol oil is extremely potent and useful for treating various ailments... read this when you get a chance.... this is just one article you can research for yourself the amazing healing properties of Cannabidiol oil.

Also there have been various segments on the news by Dr. Sanjay Gupta, research him and his data on fighting cancer with Cannabis. As well as many videos on youtube from different media outlets about people with the worst illnesses and the relief and even reversal of their diseases from using Cannabis.
The FDA does not want people to put their faith in natural medicine they want people to stay slaves to the multi-billion dollar vaccines and pharmaceuticals and chemotherapy.... and look at how well those are doing for us....

more people are buying marijuana than beer wine and liquor sales combined? I find that hard to believe. I do not doubt the fact that marijuana can be very beneficial but big pharma knows anyone can grow a marijuana plant.

I live in the midwest where it's not legal and I can totally believe that Colorado is seeing larger Marijuana sales than alchohol.... if they were to legalize here like they have in Colorado I think my State would implode from all the people simultaneously running out to buy pot. XD