in marijuana •  7 years ago 

A Spiritual Sacrament, regarding the Soul of Man

A teacher, and a mindful method of Meditation.

Before 1930's, most of the world's medicine was based on this plant.

The companies that replaced it with other drugs, now call on the governments of the world to wipe out this plant!
All over the world, armies paid for by western governments attempt to wipe out farmers crops: India, Morocco, Thailand, Africa.

Most medicine in the history of man, has been Cannabis based.
Only in very recent times, has this changed.

Strain Hunters Jamaica Expedition

Experience the Church of Jamaica - Rastafarian Truth

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Cannabis has been used for centuries as a way to help medicinally. I don't know why as of recently there is such a negative stigma around it despite the fact of all its great health benefits.

I've seen some documentaries on this so called 'war on drugs' where as you said armies go out into rural areas and start to destroy huge crops of these plants which do no harm.

At least support for cannabis is rising and hopefully we will go back to using natural medicine rather than using all these chemicals and harmful things that have side effects.

A pretty entertaining video @surfyogi. It is great to see people going out and visiting crops and how much love and passion these people have for original natural marijuana

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great comment!
One thing I noticed; the Jamaicans are now growing Euro hybrid strains. They didn't have a landrace as good as Columbia nearby, but their culture is so open to new ideas, they quickly learned from visiting Euros that the hybrid strains grow twice as fast! They obviously appreciate all the benefits, including less time for mold to affect the plants..

So they were saying; they prefer to grow the hybrids, and they replant after several years, new seeds to get new strains from Europe. It's fairly technical; pot farming is the most rigorous in terms of technology: hybrid selection; keeping different strain crops separate, avoiding fertilization from male plants, and on and on.

This video shows several different farming situations; one which is actually more like hydroponics, in a swamp area. Another growing in old coral deposits near the ocean. Another small valley used as a seed bank to preserve genetics.

I have visited Jamaica in the 1980s, and it was so quiet, people were very nice to me. I recommend anyone go to Jamaica and learn about their spiritual views of this plant.

The Medicine as the gift front GOD 👌🏽 Meet you in the skies

Food, medicine, clothing, all basic needs can be taken from this wonderful and miraculous plant. No wonder big companies want to forbid this so called "drug". They hate to see some competition... (a competition which could be free nonetheless.)

Readily grown anywhere and everywhere with little experience. Miracle plant!

Real talk, lol

Well this plant is certainly illegal in India and some severe punishments are imposed if a person found the guilty of holding and using this Ganja plant. If I talk about it's medicinal values, then yeah, it has some extra-ordinary stuff that can cure many diseases like alziemer, it is apetite stimulant, helps in arthirits and asthma and list goes on.
Its as shame that governments including India are banning this stuff, rather it should have been allowed to use after making some strong rules.
Anyways thanks sir @surfyogi for this valuable piece of info.

THINK FOR A MOMENT WHY this plant is illegal in India, and why it is your duty to see these laws changed.

I wonder why it's illegal in India. Cannabis is often used during Hindu religious ceremonies. I guess the government tolerates that to some extent.

Well, it is illegal in India because people use it illegally for bad doings. These people with wrong intentions carry this plant from one place to another without paying any taxes, illegally and they sell it like drugs, a means of addiction. People do some irrational things when they are in its influence, sometimes they commit punishable offences, so government banned this stuff.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I really don't believe that is true..
People used to think the same in the US.
But no more.
Now it is seen as the new Green Rush, and many states want to collect taxes on it.
Many make it legal recreationally now, and we see no real difference in crime.
By the way, there is certainly no physical addiction present; and because humans became very much used to having this plant in the diet (over thousands of years), I believe this is a natural craving for it, and humans need it in their diet.

I completely agree with you sir. I think the government should legalise it and instead of punishing people for having this, instead collect taxes from them. In this way both people and government would be benefited. And yeah, as you have said, this plant should be included in diet as it's health benefits are just great. I'll read more about it and making awareness among people about it's positive uses. :)

India recently celebrated it's independence from British rule.
But keep in mind, this is the same thing, just better hidden in the bureaucracy.

The title of the post made me laugh. Lol

This is awesome. Well plants do have much more medicinal benefits ;)

I agree with your title @surfyogi! This is so useful plant for many things. I believe many pharmacy lobby's have interest to stop this natural cure. They need to sell people their pharma "cure" so they can make profit of it. But im sure it will be legalised sooner or later in many countries.

yes it is used as medicine in India from thousand of years its mention in Ayurveda .

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Exactly, and not only that, but it has been rediscovered in many other nations. Spain, Israel, they all know exactly how beneficial it is, but it is very unpopular to go against vested interests that would see it wiped out.

It will cure most types of cancer. That makes it very unpopular because it can cure almost anything....

Hello, I see that you have the same number of followes, tell me please how we can cooperate ?

You can't Tell God that it is ILLEGAL

I like it! I follow you and upvoted you!

Marijuana for medical purposes should be protected by the state.

FOR ALL PURPOSES should be protected by mankind...
Mexico just made it legal for all uses ;-)

You are right before 1930's, most of the world's medicine was based on this plant but i think pharmaceutical industries don't want that people use it itself so they make medicine form this plant which has a lot of side effects too.

I agree with you. Since the beginning days, including the bible days, the medicine was based on plant medicine because that is real medicine, but like you said pharmaceutical industries use these plants and other kinds of plants (essential oils) and add synthetics to it which gives us the side effects. It's all about the big bucks.

I live in morocco , i past many years in chefchaoun , the capital of hashish , we have the best cannabis in the world

Is too valuable in aid for medicine, and in the future is fashion. If you look from another aspect

yes mon!

The truly unfortunate part is that it is traded for money. There is no need at all for the transfer of currency for a plant that can be grown in every country on earth. The downfall of man is his unending search for control and power over the wonders of nature that are provided free of charge. Plant a seed, watch it grow, reap it's harvest.

So cool, if you would like to read more and see more on daily cannabis pls follow me thank you (:

Yes @surfyogi it's medicine and needs to be legalised. Great Photo dude!!! :-D Proper bush mate. I was in Jamaica when I was 18 and stayed in Montego Bay and smoked some amazing weed. Enjoy!

that is one of a kind of title
liked it though

So glad to see it called by it's name, @surfyogi. It's depressing to hear the term 'marijuana' still being used after all we know now. It's Cannabis, not marijuana. The term "marihuana" began in the U.S. In 1930's, which was a derogatory term used to demonize the Spanish immigrants which would later include the black community. The government says "marijuana", but we all now know why. I feel that we owe it to this wonderful plant to call it by its name. Many families up until the 1930s, in America, relied on that plant for their diet AND clothing. How evil.. I know..😑

@surfyogi, Have you ever read 'The Emperor Wears No Clothes', by Jack Herer?

amaizing to hear about this plant he have many helpfull in medcine world but also illegal if the people use its wrong then they doont grow it and dont get benefits from this ganja plant? i dont agree with its bcz if give the many helpfull results in medcil world then they should grow it on some for better of humanity and also share ur documentry video on it is good and in some details..good work @surfyogi sir

All plant based medicine is the true medicine that God provided us to take care of our health. Cannabis, marijuana, essential oils that come from all different plants are so beneficial and powerful tools that help our bodies heal itself. The government doesn't want us to know all this, so they are trying to do anything to keep it away from the truth. The pharmaceutical industry uses these plants but they add all these synthetics with it, which is causing all the side effects, even deaths. #1 Killer in the US and Canada right now is an overdose of prescription drugs. Making marijuana or cannabis illegal, because of people abusing it is just one of their lies. We all know it's about the big bucks. It is our job to start learning about the plant based medicine and taking care of our health in the most natural way. And that is exactly how we do it in my family.

I agree with your title @surfyogi ... This plant is certainly illegal in many country