Truly, clean, awesomely delicious, cool and soft smoking, "Better than Top Shelf" cannabis anyone? (I wrote the book!)

in marijuana •  9 years ago  (edited)

Trichome Dense Twista

Doesn't that look tasty? Want to know how I grow trichome dense, awesomely delicious cannabis? I've been researching for 15+ years and have recently taken the time to hammer out the basic keys necessary.

"Secrets to Growing Trichome Dense Cannabis" Get it on Amazon!

I'll be posting what I know here, everyone deserves to benefit from it the way I do.

Keep it Clean! :D


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I'm a personal grower who doesn't sell but does share with friends and locals. Every time I'm asked how I grow my cannabis so dense (including growers with the same clones I have) I've been stumped.

There wasn't a single source of information I could point them to and say "There, they explain why. Go learn what they're teaching." So I ended up writing the book myself.

Soil and hydro growers alike will appreciate the insights I've been able to put into legible print. :D Pick up a copy today and benefit! :D

Yes please. :)