Medicated Beefffffffffffffff

in marijuana •  7 years ago 

Behold Medicated Grass Fed Ribeye

Happy Thursday my fellow Steemians. @Bigpchef here, and I hope everyone is gearing up for the upcoming weekend of festivities. I know here in northern Cali we're gearing up for some beach weather; although the water is still way too cold to enjoy. That darn Pacific. With the warm weather right around the corner, I really had an itch to bust out the bbq grill. BUUUTTT, sadly I live in an apartment complex, and I do not have access to one. The next best thing: reverse sear a ribeye in la casa. And medicate it for added measure. Oh yeah!!


What is a reverse sear you may be thinking...
To simplify it: reverse sear is cooking your steak over low heat until cooked to desired temperature. You then allow the steak to rest for about 10-15 mins to redistribute the juices. Finally you finish of the steak in a screaming hot cast iron pan for about 1 min on each side. This method allows for an even level of cooking throughout the steak, as well as provides a nice, crispy crust. That being said, this recipe, and reverse searing in general is better suited for thicker steaks. Against my better judgement, I tried with the ribeye I had in the fridge. Sadly, it was just under an inch. As you can see in the picture below, the steak was slightly overcooked to med-well, as suppose to med, or med-rare. But hey, just because it wasn't perfect, doesn't mean it wasn't amazing in flavor. Live, learn, and try again.


Favorite Cut of Steak
Beautiful Asparagus
Fresh Herbs
Grill Seasoning
Medicated Butter
Instant Read Thermometer


Sprinkle steak with seasoning and allow to marinate for about an hour. Preheat oven to 275 deg F. Meanwhile toss the asparagus in some olive oil and salt n peppa. Place the steak on a rack of some kind so that it does not sit on bottom of oven pan. You want the steak lifted. Cook steak in oven about 15-40 mins depending on your desired level of doneness. About 140 for medium; (thickness will play a factor here as well). Remove steak from oven and allow to rest. While steak is resting, go ahead and cook the asparagus till al dente. About 5-7 mins. Place a cast iron skillet on high heat and add a little bit of olive oil & butter (DO NOT USE MEDICATED BUTTER AT THIS TEMP), until it starts to smoke. Quickly sear the steak about 1 min on each side. Warning: If you do this at home, in an apartment with a balcony door and a window, you will hot box your place. But, hey, who doesn't want a smokey meat hot box from time to time?! The steak does not need to rest here, but you can allow it to do so if you'd like.

This is how the steak looked 25 mins after being cooked over low heat in the oven. Turned out to be 5 mins too long.

Medicating your beef
I wanted to keep the medicated portion of this recipe easy. I always top my steak with melted butter to give it that steakhouse flavor, (trust me, they all do it) so I figured let's go that route. I simple browned some homemade cannabutter in a pan over low heat, and added some fresh herbs to it. Let that cook for about a min to draw all the flavor out from the herbs and then proceeded to pour that bad boy over the steak. It may seem like a lot, but hey that's why bread was invented, to mop all that goodness up.


And there it is...enjoy
I hope you enjoyed this edition of bigpmedibles. Thank you for your time, and thanks to the Tuck clan for their love and support. Please give me a follow and medicate on!!


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I feel Medicated just looking at it! I've been baking with distillate a lot lately. It's super easy to use and no cannabis taste I love it.

Very nice!! I have been tempted to try something with distillate. I tried a cupcake at the last Hempcon, and I could not detect even a minuscule amount of the cannabis taste.

Yeah you cant taste it at all. I feel like it hits you faster to. Awesome for candy and chocolate

This looks rather delicious but how has your experience been with edibles? I was in the Silicon Valley area and had part of what I thought of a chocolate bar edible and it made me want to reevaluate my life the following

Your question is more for @bigpchef, but my experience with edibles was that I felt no discernible effect at all. =/

I'm sure my experience is not common and my tolerance level is probably through the roof by now. ;)

Just need to up the edible dosage. Which can be arranged. They have some 3500 mg brownies on the market now. May put you out of commission for a week or so. :D

Yeah, that's what I don't like. :)

For anyone with insomnia probs that sounds perfect.

Hahaha, well let me tell you a little story about edibles...and yes for the record, reevaluating life seems to happen quite often when you have had too much...My first edible I bought from a dispensary was a 150mg brownie. I ate half of it right outside of the shop. Hopped on the train to head home. About 20 mins into ride, I didn't feel anything, told myself, this is just like the stuff I have made at home. I don't feel anything. Edibles are bunk. I proceeded to eat the remaining half. Another 20 mins or so passes, and I start to feel a little something. Within the next hour I was at home contemplating the existence of humans, and trying to tell the voice inside my head not to call 911. I did not want to be the first person to OD on weed and ruin it for the rest of us. LOL! Needless to say, I was fine. The high finally came down. The only thing that helped was time. Not enough food or water on earth to bring down an edible high that is over your limit. Actually if you want to get technical it is known as THC toxicity. Luckily it can be easily reversed with a little CBD. Moral of the story folk? Edibles are real. They are out there. Be warned and know that you can always eat more, but you cannot eat less.

Oh wow your story is hilarious. This place seems pretty cool so far. I think I'll post a few stories of my experiences with it.

Absolutely, Steem is great. Everyone is friendly and helpful; also very encouraging which helps when you are new. Good luck and I look forward to reading some of you content.

Reminds me of the first time I ate a space cake in Amsterdam. Split it three ways, ate my third, and an hour or so later I'd come down enough to realize we were lucky our shit didn't get stolen. I'm sure we were heads lolled, tongues hanging out, and looking like something out of a Salvador Dali painting. Edibles are legit, sneaky as fuck, and will whoop your ass if you're not paying attention.

if you want to get the euphoria effects from butter need to be made with equal parts butter and cannabis so if you are making a pound of butter you need to use a pound of cannabis or the effects are minimal at best.

You've cooked my favorite meal minus the medication. Steak and asparagus. Never thought to that though with the cannabutter and I think it is a genius idea. I use to live in South Dakota and there was a business that sold grass fed ribeyes from cows raised locally. They were the most amazing steaks. I usually grill mine but I've used the method you used a few times when my grill broke. I make a cheese sauce for asparagus. Asparagus with cheese sauce is my favorite food.

Ooh cheese sauce on asparagus sounds super yum. And yes, I've recently started only purchasing grass fed from local farmers, and it's the best meat ever.

This looks tasty! I hope you make enough on this post to pay for the meal :-)

Thank you! haha, let's hope.

looks like it is getting close :-)

The beef and the asperges look very nice ! I will definitly try to cook a beef your way soon ! Never thought about it :D looks delicious ! will follow for sure :)

Thanks so much. Yeah, despite me overcooking the steak, it was super tender through and through.

wow that is very cool, I want to try this right now

Ha, thanks. And yes, it's worth a try. Good luck.

Wow...looks fantastic! Great post.

Thank you

@bigpchef Dude, sous vide something next. I still haven't taken the time to try it.

Yes, that is a great idea. Sadly I do not have a sous vide machine, but there are ways to rig a slow cooker to do the same. But I like what you're thinking.

Yes, I remember you sending me this. Def tacking this over the weekend.

Thanks for the tips , looks mouthwatering

and thank you for reading.

That looks very tasty and been grass fed is super healthy

Grass fed beef, chickens/eggs is the way

Yes, could not agree more.

Makes me hungry... gurgle.

Oh my god that looks so tender I love steak! Great steem thank you 🕊 Cheers!

Thank you

This looks tasty. I'm following you. Please follow me

Thank you. Sure thing.

That is awsome, good stuff. I really like your post. RS.

Thank you!!

Two of my favorite things! Marijuana and beef! 😍

Hooooooly Cow!! This looks amazing :O

Looks good. I like my steak doneness depending on my mood. Love the asparagus. Cannabutter - never heard of it but interesting! TFS.

Interesting post..I like that..

sooooooo yummmm...!!
looks so very delicious...
beef :P always favorite :)
m new to steemit, do check my account if possible..:)
thank u for sharing :)


Dude! That looks beef looks delicious. I'm not a fan of the asparagus, but that's 'cause I'm a meatatarian.