Steemit’s version of Markdown diverges in commands and behavior slightly from what works in my MacDown editor. Being a newbie, I’m wondering: When I post on Steemit, how do I link to an image on somebody else’s webpage so that it’s visible in the body of my posting?
Since Fortean phenomena are among my passions, UFOs are among the topics I want to write about. When I do, I intend to discuss — and show my readers — UFO photos that are not my own work.
Here, as a teaser, as well as a Markdown test, is one such photo.
This is an enlargement by novelist Jay J. Walter of the second photo taken by farmer Paul Trent showing a putative UFO sighted on the 11th of May, 1950, between Sheridan and McMinnville, Oregon. In the inset, an area of the object that Walter found suspicious is outlined. Below the inset, in the main photo, the same area, though not outlined, is definitely visible. From Robert Scheaffer’s "Bad UFOs" blog.
Judging from the preview, the MacDown procedure for image insertion is working fine.
Earlier this week, I introduced myself in this post.