Markdown Cheatsheet

in markdown •  8 years ago  (edited)


What is Markdown

Markdown is a plain text formatting syntax for writers. It allows you to quickly write structured content for the web, and have it seamlessly converted to clean, structured HTML. :thumbsup:

Use the # to make Headers
Paragraphs are divided using double space
and a line break

Unordered List

  • Are Create using star * as a bullet point
    • and adding a space before the star makes it indent

Ordered List

  1. You can start by adding a number like 1.
  2. and the next you can also use 1.
    A. Adding a letter will make a sub category.


are set into brackets and parenthesis "[ Link Name ] ( URL)"

and Bold Italics double star for ** bold ** and single underscore for _ italics _.


start with an exclamation point ![ image name . jpg] then followed by the image
the location URL (https ://


Can be create by first creating the Title header separate by "|" vertical line and dashes ---- below for the cell length

First NameLast NamePhone NumberEmail
DanielLast Name407-555-7865[email protected]
YoungSteemit407-123-4567[email protected]

Tagging and Emoji

You can tag other Steemit user using the @ and the user name @Dannypc
Also you can use Emoji like the :^) by typing the expression name in between colon :smile: or :sunglasses:!!

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