Apple: continue to grow or die

in market •  8 years ago 

Here it would seem that the Corporation consistently maintains a significant share of the world market in its field. Its business processes are optimized and generate a very considerable profit. $ 7.8 billion. in the quarter, or about $ 30 billion. a year - a very, very decent money. Live and be happy! But no, everyone is unhappy. Stock brokers, financial analysts, investors, the business press. All. The company has stopped growing and now it is supposedly not known what to expect.
Apple do more than just have nowhere to grow. The niche they filled the entire. To beat all of its competitors is impossible because exhausted not only consumer markets but also existing technological potential. Simply put, no one can figure out why it would make sense to adapt the gadget. Photo. Video. The Internet. Tablet. Wallet. Boombox. All this has already been implemented. It certainly is still much that can be improved, however, to be honest, for 99% of consumers even the existing level is much greater than the size of their real needs in such a device.

This creates a problem. Within the existing model of capitalism, no one knows how to do business, when to grow further nowhere. And stay in the growth of scary, because who can guarantee that one day your site will not try to get competitors from other industries? As long as you have the advantage, you must attack. Including myself to go into other segments, and even industries.

But this creates another problem. How much really is "Apple"? All the current methods of estimation has been established only in the framework of the same classical model of capitalism, which is based on the inviolability of the imperative of infinite growth. And which is now in a systemic crisis, in view of the exhaustion of opportunities for growth, as such, at the level of the economy as a whole. Because these techniques have the same systemic problems. How much is the Corporation? Probably as much as is the current market value of its stock. But the critical difficulty lies in the fact that it does not depend on real progress of the Issuer.

Apple's stock investors are not buying to live in them paid dividends. 12 Nov 2015 Apple Inc., at the end of the previous reporting period, paid dividends of just $ 0,52. per ordinary share. On August 8, 2016 current course of action is made up 108,37 dollars. Thus, an investor who invested their money in Apple Inc today will get a total 0,479% per annum. While banks in new York are now offering customers to open Deposit accounts at 0.75 - 1.25% per annum. Ie the income from the shares pillars of the American economy in the 1.6 - 2.65 times lower than simply put money on Deposit in the Bank. Investors do not know? They do not understand simple things, do not know how to use a calculator and do not see its benefits? They are all idiots? Everything is much easier. And they are not idiots. The fact that they are not investors, they are speculators.
The size of dividend payments is of interest to them in the last turn. This is nothing more than a nice bonus during the ownership of shares of the "bitten Apple". They earn elsewhere. In 1997 Apple stock was at $ 3 apiece. By the way, if you relate the dividend to the nominal value of the securities, their yield is 17.3% per annum, and fully confirms the postulates of the classical model of a market economy. To invest in equities certainly entails risk of losing money in case of bankruptcy, however, the profitability of the operation exceeds the income of the Deposit in more than a dozen times, and this serves as incentive for investors. But the times when shares could be bought for a reasonable price are long gone. To date, the stock exchange quotation of securities Apple rose more than 36 times. This is a 3600% profit. So "profit" can not give any Deposit. Against this background, the measly 52 cents per share, look even less than surrender. The owners of securities what matters is not how many cents of profit for every have. The first and only thing they are concerned about the prospects of further growth in the price of securities on the stock exchange. They earn not on the dividends and on the difference between the purchase price and the sale price of these shares.
Therefore the need to preserve the exchange rate growth. And he is associated with anything but not with a real business. Moreover, it is generally based on hearsay. Should investors believe in stopping further "growth", how to begin the process of "lock in profits". As well as those wishing to invest in these pricey paper in reality virtually no, try any massively get rid of them will bring down the whole pyramid and will cause a self-sustaining reaction dive. The stronger will decrease the price, the more shareholders will seek to get rid of these shares for any money. For some time Apple for resists, but eventually will collapse.

To these vultures, for some reason referred to as the investors, inadvertently not to frighten off, the company and forced it gently to test the world, while maintaining a strict "poker face". Maybe Apple will do something in medicine, or in the car-robots, although not ruled out an attempt to build a sugar factory on Mars. Have you ever tried the Martian sugar? And no one tried! It's an absolute exclusive. And carefully watch the reaction of "investors". So, at the slightest threat of discontent, immediately declare the absolute invalidity of the rumors, "spread by irresponsible and bad people."
We can understand them. They themselves no rapid growth and the gift is not necessary, but the Western market capitalism is designed so that they must run faster just because they are obliged and to the point! I don't care that this forces the company to go into areas where she did not understand, and where you will almost certainly lose everything earned. Moreover, the risk of losing is becoming the same as in the case of directions for growth can not find work, and if they something find. In the second embodiment, because cheap breakthrough discoveries to develop new markets and become a source of new income in the world, and those where "investors" the Board of Directors are forced to climb, involve huge costs, while not guaranteed subsequent profits. Even supporting a new idea now, speculators can at any time change her attitude. And the money has already been spent. And the profit has already fallen.

And you know what else is important. One may criticize Google, but the company does not just generate money wagons and puts them in the basements of their offices. She is investing a lot in various studies. First of all, of course, applications like the Google car, but in some places and more ambitious. Moreover, in areas outside its traditional spheres of activity. While about futuristic research projects Apple to somehow not hear anything. Apparently, such research Corporation was conducted at all and now, for this short-sightedness she has to pay.

However, not only her. Similar challenges face today by an absolute majority of the "key pillars of the American economy", which ought to stop, but who are forced to run more and faster" just because "so the market wants".

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