Early Market Update and a Look at Crypto Currencies and Great Depression Scrips.

in market •  8 years ago  (edited)

In this report I cover the early market action in London on Thursday, June 8th, 2017.

I compare and contrast crypto currencies with local money in the U.S. during the Great Depression.

Local Money During the Great Depression: http://www.ebhsoc.org/journal

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Interesting comparison of digital and local currencies. Could the establishment also ultimately use block-chain technology for the new financial architecture after the crisis? Seems sensible from their perspective.

If there will be a proper collapse within the next election term, then the way things are looking, nationalist movements elsewhere (such as Trump and Brexit) will get the blame, and the ideology may never recover. Instead, a new wave of popular globalism might finally carry us into the much sought after one world government, as I believe was also the intention after the two world wars.

If we vote at all, should we vote for the party we want to get the blame?

I think the people in charge of setting up the World Order infiltrate all political parties and even popular movements so in the end they will probably achieve their goal. The only thing we can do as individual is try to be as self sufficient and try to avoid being dependent on the State and the World Order scheme as much as possible. So I, as I've said before, it does not matter who we vote for or who wins.

Got a year ahead of yourself today chap!

Thanks. I changed it now.

i'm sure there is local money in the uk. I think i saw a tv programme about it

How do I buy steem dollars 💵 with my money. Can you make a video on the topic? Maneco 69

By now it seems that it has become quite known that the gold and silver paper markets are used to rig the price. What do you think why the government still are not doing anything to stop this unjust behavior? Are they more afraid of the banksters than the public?

I usually watch your videos every morning at work, they are all good information thank you.

Thanks for your content. I follow it already since quite a time on YouTube, now on STEEMIT :).
I would be interested in you opinion about why governments still do nothing to stop the paper silver market manipulation that surpress the price of silver.

After so much evidence that is already spreading everywhere one would assume that the public would be kind of a force to let them stop this activity.