Hello Again,
Every single Crypto-Market chart from various different angles we personally believe have been manipulated to the Company/Organizations favor. If you use BIG wallet companies such as Coinbase
or CeX.io
even though i REALLY like cryptonator
they too are susceptible to "Market-Manipulation". You need to be careful about who handles your Crypto-Duckets. Cryptonator is one of my groups preferred logical type wallets to use.
VIA: Cryptonator you can transact with your friends/family/long distance fam/ as well as strangers and still somewhat feel a sort of safety net with Cryptonator.
Most wallets you can have set up for Multi-Signature or 2FA for added security. Cryptonator you can have Verify IP origin based on different IP-Geo: location and where you last logged in at.
FURTHERMORE! Cryptonator DOES allow you to use VPN/VPS type platforms while sending crypto currencies. They keep a small log file that auto terminates over time. With this feature you can place your Chains transactions in a different Country/State/Continent but remember. If you dont use a SOLID "Dedicated IP-Type" where your IP REMAINS or where your IP can shift but still be located in and around the server your accessing it from. This allows you to MOCK Geo-Location to a degree. NOTE how i said DEGREE!!!_______________________________
We will make a post or a few postings about OPSEC and how to be more on the Offense side of Security rather than just barricading yourself with a high defense that will still possibly have ways to be exploited. Anyone interested in learning how to install PROPER cut copies of LINUX based OS' we will also be showing you how to do this in a step-by-step installers guide to creating legitted clean cut copies of various Linux OS'.
Sorry but there is no Youtube Video AS of right now to go with this HOWEVER we do have a sign we use to help monitor whos market is LEGIT and whos trying to run a lagged ass market ONLY based on PRICE MANIPULATION!!!
the site is : https://cnhv.co/22tu1
this site ALSO shows you every legit cryptocurrency that IS on the market as WELL AS shows you Currencies based of Algorithm method. Gives Overviews of EVERY currency thats known or somewhat has backgrounding. They also show up and coming ICOs as well as have a Graph Chart for EVERY crypto.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!USE THIS AS A TOOL TO DEBUNK MARKET MANIPULATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope this was helpful!!!
Likes Shares and Rewards and MUCH APPRECIATED!!! as well as distributed throughout a small group of legitimate college student investors intrigued in the SteemIt economy and how it works!
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