Coinmarketcap 22/04/2020

in marketcap •  5 years ago 

Hoy llegamos a la tercera jornada laboral, donde antes de comenzar quiero agradecer a los usuarios que me apoyan con sus votos así como a los nuevos usuarios que leen por primera vez mis post apoyando mis publicaciones, bueno ahora pasemos a lo importante de mis post que es saber cual ha sido cierre y comportamiento del mercado para hoy.

Today we arrive to the third working day, where before starting I want to thank the users that support me with their votes as well as the new users that read for the first time my posts supporting my publications, well now let's move on to the important thing of my posts that is to know what has been the closing and behavior of the market for today.

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El día de hoy mercado luego 2 dias muy feos se viene una alegria generandose el primer incremento de esta semana de "4.43%" ya lo necesitaba el mercado ahora tocara esperar que pasa en el resto de la semana.

Today's market then 2 very ugly days comes a joy generating the first increase of this week of "4.43%" and the market needed it now will have to wait what happens in the rest of the week.

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Hoy es un día negativo 👍 que bonito se ve cerrar mas del 97% del mercado en verde.
Today is a negative day 👍 how nice it looks to close over 97% of the market in green


Colors of the Market

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Una persona debe fijar sus objetivos cuanto antes y dedicar toda su energía y talento a ellos. Walt Disney.

A person should set their goals as soon as possible and devote all their energy and talent to them. Walt Disney.

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Designs Made to: sevillaespino

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