#MarketFriday- Searching for Records in a Huge Antiques Store

in marketfriday •  7 years ago  (edited)

I recently joined SteemUSA, and I have had the pleasure of meeting Steemian @dswigle! I found out she hosts #MarketFriday, a post series dedicated to sharing pictures of stores you've visited!

If you've followed my blog since this summer, you'll know that I enjoy collecting records. I used to be able to shop for them often since I lived close to an antiques mall that had several sections full. Unfortunately, I don't get the opportunity very much any more, but last weekend I got to visit an antiques store near where my parents live in North Carolina!

The store is gigantic. The format is that local sellers rent out booths within the large store area, so there is a constant flow of items for sale in and out of this place. My brother frequents the store and has made many interesting purchases there.

Whenever I'm home visiting and he is also there, he convinces me to go to the store since I know they have a booth full of vintage records. I didn't get a chance to take many pictures elsewhere in the store because I didn't have much time to spend browsing this trip, but here's the general idea of how the store was laid out:

As you can see, it's a long way down that aisle, and along the way are many different booths from various sellers that can have everything from vintage toys to antique furniture to books and so much more. My favorite booth is the record booth, of course. I was happy to find out that the booth was having a 25% off sale!

There are many records in bins in the booth, so it's always fun to shuffle through them and see if there are any gems. Here's another shot of the bins:

Again, I didn't have much time to browse the booth this visit, but I did come away with two albums, the first of which is a fun compilation album from 1971 of some of Bill Haley and the Comets' greatest hits! It's a fun album if you enjoy 1960s rock and roll. I've been a fan of their music ever since watching the 1985 film Clue, as their song "Shake, Rattle, and Roll" is featured during the credits. Also, who can forget their classic hit "Rock Around the Clock"? Here's the album:

Finally, I was able to find an album I had been trying to track down for a while: Fleetwood Mac's Rumours. I mentioned that I had enjoyed listening to this album in a post a while ago I did about albums you should listen to. I had purchased the CD, but I always enjoy listening to classic albums on vinyl, since that's how people used to listen to music. The album speaks for itself, as it's got many of Fleetwood Mac's greatest songs on it. Check it out if you've never listened to Fleetwood Mac much. You'll probably recognize a few of the songs. It brought me great joy to bring the album back home, where this scene quickly developed:

I hope I'll get to visit more stores like this so I can keep my vinyl collection growing. It's so much fun getting to listen to songs on records. If you collect records, I'd love to hear about your collection! Let me know in the comments.

As an added bonus to my record purchases, I also found a copy of one of my favorite books about finances, The Millionaire Next Door. I'm excited to own a copy now so that I can lend it to anyone who asks for financial advice. I'd highly recommend everyone to read it!

Thanks so much to @dswigle for hosting #MarketFriday! I'm so glad I got to participate. Get out and support your local antiques mall. You never know what you might find!




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Wow! You were right, Ethan! I loved your Antique Mall. The variety that these places deliver is amazing. You cannot possibly walk in one of those and not be wowed.

I have to admit, that was one of the cleanest, nicest looking ones I have ever seen. Even the merchandise was displayed so organized!

Score!! I love that album! How sweet the victory, especially when you have been searching for it for a long time. I love the way their voices work together and it sure feels nice to hear them together again.

Yes! I am a vinyl gal if you couldn't tell. I have literally gathered hundreds and hundreds. There was a time they were giving them away at one time!
Awesome post, especially your first time to market! ;)

Upped and will Resteem later today for maximum exposure tip!

cool series idea @dswigle!

Thank you so much! We certainly have fun picking the most bizarre and most common places. :)

Yes! It's such an interesting place to go, just to see it, much less actually shop. If you'll refer to my comment below in response to @apanamamama, you'll see a bit of the background on the man who owns the store, so it's no surprise that it's well-kept.

Rumours is a fantastic album, and I really enjoyed listening to it on vinyl. Glad to know that you are also a collector! Be sure to let me know if you're ever giving them away again! haha

Thank you for the vote and the tip! I'm glad I got to participate in #MarketFriday!

By the way, I got to listen to your music last night... wow! No kidding. Wow! Wow!

So glad you got to hear it! If you want some more info on our band, I did a post about it shortly after I became active on Steemit! The two original songs we've released as well as some covers are available on YouTube and the links are all in that post! Let me know what you think!

I will! I was totally blown away last night and worked today and night. Ugh! The snow really made it pretty miserable here in the DC area. I promise I will tomorrow as I truly was impressed.

Nothing beats vinyl.

There is just something about it, isn't there?

I need to start doing marketfriday. I love taking pics of stuff I see at stores. This looks like a fun place to shop.
This post has been deemed resteem & upvote worthy by your friendly @eastcoaststeem ran by @chelsea88 (not a bot)

Thanks so much for the vote, comment, and resteem! Best wishes with your project!

#MarketFriday is a great post series. You should definitely get in on it!

That looks like a pretty big antique mall. Nice! Glad you were able to find some cool records. I used to have a record collection...as a child of the 80's. I had a few Michael Jackson as well as the Cabbage Patch Kids record. It was my favorite. I had my grandad make me a copy of it on CD and I still have it. And I know ALL of the songs by heart. Half Price Books always has a ton of records (at least in the Dallas area they do). I don't know how far and wide that store reaches though. It's my favorite. What kind of prices did this place have? Do you ever find records at thrift stores?

It's a very large antiques mall. We know the man who owns the place. He is one of those opportunistic capitalists who can't seem to decide what business he wants to run. However, he's been doing antiques auctions and selling out booths at this place for a long time, so I think he's finally found something to stick with. haha

My parents didn't really collect records. My dad's brother has a few Elvis records because he was obsessed, and I think the ones my dad has are of a Southern Gospel quartet group that he enjoyed growing up. It's great that your grandad was able to make you a copy onto a CD. I've thought about doing that since you can't really capture the sound of an analog recording with the modern remastering process. Oh well, perhaps someday I'll get a USB turntable.

Half Price Books sounds vaguely familiar, but I don't think there are any of them around where I am. It sounds great! I've never really had good luck finding albums at thrift stores. I did find one Chicago album at a thrift store in the Raleigh, NC area that I was lucky to find, but I've had my best luck at antiques malls where local record dealers have booths. There was one in Raleigh that I loved to go to called the Cheshire Cat Gallery. It had two very large booths of records. That's where I got most of my collection.

Prices are generally good and vary based on the condition of the vinyl and the album cover. I paid $9 total for these two that I mentioned in the post; I can't remember the itemized cost. The most I've paid for an album is around $25 I think, and it was for a copy of The Beatles' White Album. It's rare that I'll spend more than $5 on one album.

Ok. That was a super long response, but I hope I answered all of your questions. haha Thanks so much for your comment!

I believe you were in a story telling mode while responding to my comment. ;) Ha! Thanks for the response. Pretty cool that you've got such a collection going. Don't move to a foreign country because you'd have to get rid of or store all of them. It would be sad. Thrift stores are hit or miss on everything. I know there are (or used to be) some really cool record stores in Dallas, but I haven't been to those since college days and I was just hanging around with the people who wanted to go there and look at the records. You should definitely convert all of them before you have kids and they scratch them all up. ;) Or maybe you'll keep them under lock and key if you do have kids. ;) Ha.

A buddy of mine gave me that album Fleetwood Mac's Rumours for my birthday when it came out. You should have shown the back as well, or was it the liner with the band and Stevie Nicks....Yeah I had a bit of a crush on her lol.... Hey I was 10 lol.

I've heard that it was fairly common for people to have a crush on her. haha I'm sure you're not alone.

Thanks for the comment!

That's cool! Record Stores are awesome, I did a market Friday once but It was more of a farmers market deal. That's great you can do any store. They have a used- new record store and a used book store called 2nd & Charles here in Northern VA. Washington DC area, it's nice in there!

I could probably do our local Farmer's market once the weather gets nice again. I think it's neat that you can do whatever store you want for #MarketFriday.

I know larger cities have nice used book and record stores. I'm in a smaller community, so I don't have as many options closeby. It's nice to travel to where there are some great stores. Glad you have one close to you!

Looks like a cool placed, the two albums you got were once I had in my collection at one stage, mind you I bought them when they were new releases LOL , Unfortunatly in one of my moves i lost them and never got back into Vinyl

I always find it fascinating to hear stories of people who once owned these albums or still do. Since records were commonplace then, no one really thought anything of it. Who knew that they would become collector's items so many years later?

That is unfortunate that you lost them, maybe they ended up in circulation again somewhere haha. Thanks for taking the time to read my post!

Yes it is funny how times have changed

I had probably 2 or 3 hundred Albums at peak, when I say lost them I am being generous they were stolen in one of my moves over the years

I see. Well that's quite unfortunate. I suppose someone somewhere has been enjoying them. I only have around 50 albums or so. Not much of a collector, but I enjoy the ones that I do have.

Suchbis life I just hope they are getting good use 😎
Like yours are

Looks like you had much fun browsing through those records. Always fun to do things you enjoy doing. And I think I’ll check out the book. Could use an advice or two. 😉

Yes! I always enjoy browsing through the records!

It's a great book. It deals with what it truly means to be wealthy rather than just have the appearance of wealth. It's thought-provoking, so I'm sure you'll enjoy it!

Good topic for another post, Ethan?

Hey there @shanibeer! It's an excellent topic for another post. I've done a post about investing (outside of cryptocurrency) where I strike some of the themes that are mentioned in this book, but a full book review is definitely something I can consider.

Thank you for the recommendation!

Oh cool then. I believe I will. Thanks.

Record disc!!! That's down the memory lane!

Quite a great hobby to have :)

It's a fantastic hobby, especially when you get to listen to the songs and think about what it was like to hear them at home for the first time on a record player. There's still something to be said for a good analog recording.

So cool! i really enjoy browsing the thrift shops and secondhand stores. There are always treasures hiding there and it's usually not an issue of affordability, but simply finding the treasure. @ironshield

True! Many times the booths will be having significant sales, so you can grab some great deals. I use the website Discogs to assess the value of the albums before buying them. You have to take into account the shipping cost and such, so usually it makes sense to buy if the album is there in front of you and in good condition.

Thrift shops in general are a lot of fun. I've found some great things over the years. Thanks for your comment!

This store looks awesome to find some deals! #theunmentionables

Yes! I wish I had time to look around the whole store. My brother goes frequently and finds some great things, so I hope to visit it again over the holidays when I visit my parents.

Nice post! My dad used to have a great collection of vinyl, but like a lot of people he whittled his down quite a while ago. I remember him hiding a few of them from us as kids because of the suggestive album covers ;) (I believe the big one was a particular Rolling Stones album..) I am more of a book girl, so that's probably the section of that store I'd spend my time in. :)

I have to apportion my time carefully between records and books. haha I love looking through them both. It's always interesting to check out the album art. Maybe the next time I'm there, I can just take a bunch of pictures of random album art and start a blog series about "strange album art." You've inspired me!

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment!

That would be a fun series! I look forward to seeing what you find. That's how I used to pick out new CD's back in high school. I'd go to the store that had all of the emo/punk music that I liked and just grab whatever one looked like it had cool cover art. It was hit or miss, but a fun memory. :)

Its fun, buying things that you wanted to buy for a long time. Ethan please send your full name of discord with digits.

Yes definitely! Glad you came on board at The Unmentionables. We hope to see you around the chat and sharing your new blogs!

For sure my friend :)

Wow that store looks awesome! I love the sound of vinyls, something about them..and they make such great collectibles!

You're right! It's so great being able to listen to songs on vinyl. There's really no substitute for analog recordings. I hope to be able to hold onto the albums I've purchased so that I can show my kids if I have some someday.

Do you have any favorite albums?

Love Fleetwood Mac!! Score!! We have a lot of these kinds of Antique malls around here as well. But I am not much of a shopper. My late maother in law could spend hours looking at everything :)
Visiting you from steemusa :)

Thanks for stopping by! Glad you found me from SteemUSA!

I think everyone can find something interesting in these antiques malls. I know that when I go with my brother, we both go in different directions, but ultimately meet up at the end when we discover something that we both like. All in the same store!

Thanks again for stopping by!

This is really nice! I still remember my first memory with vinyls... I used to sit in basement all day playing it over and over... The one and only...

And I've never heard of marketfriday before, but love it. Def. going to join in on the fun.
Happy holidays!

Market Friday is a great series! You should definitely join in on the fun!

My uncle was a huge Elvis fan. He might have that very album somewhere in his house. It's great to sit and listen to the songs over and over. Thanks for your comment.

Love stores like this! Great documenting, thanks for sharing :)

And thank you for stopping by to read my post! Stores like this are a lot of fun, so I'm glad you enjoy them too!

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