Over the years, I
have attended hundreds of marketing events, seminars, and
leadership conferences..They all have helped shape me in
some way, and I can honestly say, that if I had not
attended any of these, I won’t have the knowledge I have now
I most likely would still be struggling financially in my
life as well. At these types of events, I made tons of very
valuable contacts and made long lasting friendships, with
some of the best marketers, and financial experts in the
world. Learning from others helped
elevate my own skills.
My entire thought process and belief system has been
forever changed, because of the people I learned from, hung
out with, and made friendships with at these events, the
knowledge learned has been priceless!
I became a better total person..
So I implore you and all others to learn from those who have made it,practice what u learn, it will truly change
your life!