The Weekend Post - Strike Up A Conversation

in marketing •  6 years ago 

The #1 song today in 1987 - "Lean on Me" - by Club Nouveau

Hey there thanks for stopping by, I hope your list is growing daily.

Did you have time to search for an autoresponder that works for you?
Please let me know if I can help.

Strike up a conversation is part 2 of the autoresponder overview.

Communication is key to building and maintaining your list.
Once you have added subscribers to your list, building a relationship is the next step.
Emailing your list on a regular basis is the easiest way to start.
To keep things simple I like to focus on 2 types of emails.

  1. The Follow Up Series - This is a series of emails designed to welcome and assist your new subscribers.
    I like to use 7 emails over a 3 week period.

  2. The Broadcast - This is a weekly or bi-weekly email sent out to all of your subscribers.
    The topic is up to you, but keep in mind you want these to be informative and have value to your list.

Now you are probably saying, but Kevin that is pretty vague.
Well yes it is, but next week will be the last part of my list building checklist. Email Content
You won't want to miss that :))

Well there you have it, now go out there and Strike up a Conversation with your list.

Thanks for reading today, and as always....take time to smell the advertising, there are a lot of great things growing out there.

Keep Building Your List and Your Business


Catch up on all the rest of this series here ==>

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