Does Your Business Have A Real Need For Video Marketing

in marketing •  7 years ago  (edited)

What is the power behind Video Marketing?

The world of Marketing and Communication, today, is probably governed, almost entirely by video and its tendency to ‘trend’ across the Internet, and, more precisely, Social Media platforms.

There is nothing else around that motivates engagement, quite like video, nor that powers conversions in the sales arena.

Even a text-based, narrated video can have an increased appeal to a wider audience

The Marketplace demands, not only, products and commerce but entertainment and personal interaction within the process.
The fast moving world, today, insists upon dealing with those that are seen to ‘keep up’ with modernity and trend.

Couple this age of information to a decline in the reading of text based copy, (that’s a whole different subject), a demand for near instantaneous gratification with minimal effort and you are presnted with the reason why video has, or is, replacing most other forms of content marketing.

We all love numbers, so here are few to be going on with:

Video Marketing Statistics

About 64% of the marketplace has a higher disposition to purchase after viewing a product on video

About half of executives seek more information after viewing a video related to a service or product.

Of those selling online, 87% utilise video promotion

Roughly 33.3% of all Internet activity is the viewing of various video content.

Further Reasons To Employ Video

Firstly, consumption is more likely with video content.

Primarily you are more likely to have your content ‘consumed’ by an impatient viewer than you are with text-based promotion.
People really are becoming less and less inclined to wade through text; this applies to Blog Posts, Electronic books, reports and individual articles

People want their information quickly and with the minimum of effort and easy to digest; they use video to accomplish this; to satisfy their lethargy
Secondly, video has the potential to appeal to and accommodate more learning styles.

Further, different learning styles have the potential to be presented with video.

Text is just a word, audio merely a sound; nearly anything can be done with video

A text-based, narrated video can have an increased appeal to a wider audience.
Even a narrated, Powerpoint-style, video has an appeal for those who have a bias to visual or auditory or textual education; as long as they don’t have to ‘work’ at it.

Video is the No.1 contender for this kind of versatility.

About 64% of the marketplace has a higher disposition to purchase after viewing a product on video

Additionally, (say this quietly), video based content can be easier to produce; depending on various factors.

If you sit and look into a camera, while speaking; or record your screen while working this can be far quicker than sitting down to write Blog content or articles, (we have to assume this does not include Hollywood-style editing and production).

Even How-To, Explainer videos can be quicker and more simple to produce than text-based content, as long as you, and your video producer, are skilled at constructing them.
A nice side-note to this is the lack of need for proofreading.

Organic Video Marketing Channels

Video Ads ##

Video Production

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