Email Marketing – An Exciting and Pragmatic Approach

in marketing •  6 years ago 


It’s estimated that there were 3.6 billion email accounts in 2015 and has increased to 4.5 billion by 2019. The sheer number of people you can reach through Email Marketing makes it a very exciting marketing channel. It has all the characteristics which make it one of the most reliable techniques of online marketing. The prospective sales and growth opportunities that businesses get through Email Marketing is big. Customers tend to spend 138% more when they shop for products which are marketed through email offers. Your business would be missing out on exciting opportunities to grow and expand if you ignore email marketing.

Omevo’s Email marketing software has a simple three pronged approach which is bolstered by Content. Here is how.

Content is King. 69% of email recipients report email as Spam based solely on the subject line. This implies that your email subject line is the precursor in priming your customers to visit your website and buy your products. Nobody would like to read a boring subject line. It needs to be specific, precise and interesting.

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Bulk Email Service can be Cost Effective and gives Maximum Returns:

Email marketing has established a niche for itself. As per the latest survey by Direct Marketing Association and published in Search Engine Journal, on an average Email Marketing has a 4300% return on investment. There is no other marketing technique which can boast of such a high returns.

Minimal effort due to automation:
The amount of time you have to invest in Email Marketing is minimal. You do not have to manually send the emails. There are a multitude of online tools and online software, like Omevo’s bulk email Service, whichcan be used to send bulkemails and also help you time your emails. Depending on your email content, they also help you to design your emails on various templates. You can upload your customer contact details which will be directly synced with our tool. When you have to send an email, you just type what you wish to send and the tool will send it to your customers.

Personalize, customize and reach:
A personalized conversation with your customers like a ‘We hope you enjoyed the umbrella you bought last time you visited us’ will elicit more interest than an email which says ‘Hello! Shop with Us’. Most of us do not like emails which read like a robotic sign off. And your customers won't either. Giving a personalized appearance to your email and your email content will help you connect with your customers in a much better way. A personalized message, greetings and follow up emails are a welcome break from the monotone of the bulk marketing emails.

While we are on topic of breaks, in today’s world of online retail, customers will shop at any time! While on holiday or at the dentist. With just a swipe on the smartphone and click of the mouse, the shopping experience commences. Multiple gadgets like laptops, tablets and mobile phones are also used to access emails giving them the freedom to shop and interact anytime, anywhere. Omevo provide best email marketing software it will help you upload images and content into your emails before sending them out to your customer database.

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Why should you do email marketing for your business?
Businesses all around the world are going online. Some are creating and managing their own websites. Others are relying on online marketing techniques to reach out to potential customers and for garnering a loyal customer base. The entire email marketing strategy is measurable through open rates, bounce rates, click through, subscriptions, un-subscriptions etc. These can be measured through tools like Omevo’sbulk email service platform. It will help you get an insight into what your customers likes and dislikes are and which will in turn help you plan your email marketing strategy.

Easy setup of email marketing campaigns and the high Return on Investment on Email marketing, will allow you to actively engage with your customers. Keep this in mind, making Email Marketing as one of your primary marketing techniques is a sound decision.

Omevo provides best email marketing software, it will help you set up your email marketing campaign and bolster it with real time analytics. With a single click, you can start engaging with your customers around the world. Contact us to set up an exciting Email Marketing Campaign.

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