in marketing •  5 years ago 

 The effective logo implements the AIDA formula, which reflects the level of readiness of the buyer to make a purchase and indicates the action required to make the buyer move from one level of readiness to another, until he makes the purchase.

For example, the placement of people in the city, who should draw attention to your product, or save on wages and place signs, ads, use contextual advertising. There are many variations, and the choice depends on the price and efficiency.

The seller arrives at the last step, the level of the formula that triggers action. He puts all the dots on the “I”, works with objections. The only disadvantage is that a good seller needs a decent salary.

But there is something that can replace such an employee. It is an effective logo. It does the same thing that a seller does, but for free.

The logo is the face of your product or company, which speeds up the selection process and motivates you to act. It also differentiates you from your competitors, conveys an idea and shapes in the minds of people the image that expresses your brand. It is the one that represents the guarantee of quality and rejects the objection. Any investment in the logo quickly pays off.

An effective logo is a real logo, which has a number of signs. Its base is an idea, because it is possible to transmit it. From the idea depends the level of toughness of the logo. Without it, there is no impact that motivates you to make a purchase. It must be unique, aesthetically pleasing, concise and comprehensible. Such a logo is considered effective.

It can be your ideal seller, who works non-stop and without days off.

It costs money to create a logo. There are programs that help to make it, but, unfortunately, it is impossible to call such work qualitative.

To create an effective logo, you need to understand the idea, and only the designer is able to do that. Don’t be shy on paying for this work. All expenses are sure to pay off. In fact, every time when the buyer will see your logo, he will have a desire to purchase and to become the happy owner of your product.


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