Marketing of territories is a set of activities aimed at finding earning opportunities in the territory. Due to it you understand how to earn money in your region. Use of marketing in 99 % of cases brings profit.
The territory itself has no value. If it is the contrary, it means that they have already worked on it. Marketing of territories is divided into simple and advanced. The choice between them depends on the situation and goals.
The first focuses on introducing the territory into existing trends, demonstrating its superiority over others. Advanced marketing is aimed at creating the right trends to generate maximum demand for the territory.
The scheme of simple marketing is described in the script. First of all, they analyze the territory and the list of ideas that can be implemented with it. Then the same thing is done, only from the point of view of consumers. Then the lists are compared and the ideas that can be implemented with the help of the territory are selected.
However, only advanced marketing brings a very good profit. Here the work shows what kind of territory is capable of implementing ideas better than others.
The marketing of territories is unique in its kind, a bit similar to the tourist, real estate and urban. But differences are more than similar elements.
Some territories cannot implement ideas embedded in people. Such places become useless because they are outside the market. Simple marketing does not have ways that can change this situation. But advanced marketing allows you to get rid of competitors and get total control.
Many problems related to the promotion of territories arise due to the lack of real marketing management. It can only be obtained by creating a marketing atmosphere and boosting the ideas of specialists. After that, its production and strategy begin.
The marketing of territories implies some expenses. Free marketing can also be used, but don’t expect high efficiency. Now you have the information you need, it remains only to choose the direction of your marketing activities.