Most people believe that soulful conversations can restore mental balance. Therefore, good marketing resonates more often than advertising campaigns with sharp themes or black humor.
Psychologists distinguish two types of mental disorders. The first type prone to feeling bored, the second — to strong excitement. All methods to stabilize emotional balance do not allow to approach the problem systematically. These disorders are known in the world for a long time, and many of humanity’s best minds have tried to find different methods for “treatment”.
Philip Kotler and Pavel Bernovich proposed a unique tool that helps to stabilize the state of mind. Philip Kotler called it marketing 3.0, and Pavel Bernovich called it noomarketing.
These two notions are relatively subtle, but have one thing in common. They are aimed at unfolding and folding the soul when it is necessary. The tools work carefully and affect the strings of the soul. It is not the whole of it, but only the part on which these methods operate.
Only subtle natures can apply marketing 3.0, which cannot be aggressive and rude as marketing 2.0. Civilization has changed and has affected people’s mental organization. They have become more soulful, less violent and more aggressive. Therefore, companies that used marketing tools 1.0 and 2.0 left the market. They have lost the support of consumers.
Noomarketing is not about disturbing mental balance. It, on the contrary, creates it. Only few people know about its abilities, since it is still very new. But once noomarketing comes into force, other versions of marketing consumers bypass it.
When previous versions of marketing disappear from use, aggression will stop and consumers will find a peace of mind. The task of modern marketers is to apply marketing 3.0 in the work and adjust chords of the customer’s souls.