Bad sales aren’t a bad coincidence and failure isn’t a disaster either. This phenomenon has an obvious reason, which is proven by researches.
So what’s this for? Everything is quite prosaic: a consumer will not buy a product if he is stripped of an idea. Also, if a product doesn’t help him to realize his ideas, then he will not spend money on it either. In this case, value of goods for the buyer is cancelled and sometimes even overcomes the negative mark.
If you’re facing a problem with bad sales, take a critical look at your product. Identify the idea and evaluate it. It’s better if you find more than one idea, and gather them in a whole database. Then the value of your product will increase.
According to modern standards, each successful product must implement at least 10 ideas, more is better. Of course, there are exceptions and if your product fulfills only one idea, it should be literally a super idea.
Identify 10 ideas for your product and then you will understand the reason for bad sales. Most often, this rule is completely or partially ignored. Why? It’s difficult to say. Maybe they don’t give much meaning to it or don’t deal with it. Although success of the whole case depends on it.
The consumer will always choose the product that has more ideas to implement. Here, the mathematics of success is quite simple. Therefore, if you have low sales, you should perform an analysis. Define the number of ideas your product implements and match them with your competitors. We give you 99% that the account will not be in your favor. Fortunately, the remedying of this problem is fast and inexpensive.
So, one more time. Raising the value of the product is to increase ideas that it helps to bring to life. Do not be upset and give up when you get bad statistics. Carry out an audit in this category, correct the mistakes and you will not have to wait long to succeed.