Steemit is Now Being Advertised on Reddit - your Experiences are NEEDED

in marketing •  9 years ago 

As a part of my series on the advertisement of Steemit here and here. I'm happy to announce that we are now running Reddit ads and promoted posts on multiple subreddits and communities (examples of which include r/bitcoin, r/ethereum and r/investing). I believe this is a great step for Steemit to get more publicity and more users engaged with our platform (our engagement is already going up beyond Reddit's, according to @steemrollin 's recent post!)

Yet, as with any form of advertisement and new media, people are skeptical! The comment section of the featured posts can be found here; and it is unfortunately filled with a small amount of negative experiences and backlinks. At a first glance, that gives a bit of a skewed impression of our platform! While we certainly have our issues and features still to come out as we iterate on this social network, I don't think it's anywhere near all gloom and doom.

If you would be willing to share your real experiences, your positive ones, your hardships and victories and your general feeling of the network, that would greatly increase the passion and value of our promotion cycles!

Thank you so much for all the support, and here's to another 30k new users!

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steemit will soon seem increasingly popular ... this is good news

This is great news! Keep up the good work @spookypooky

My experience has been great so far, I've been learning a lot of new things and enjoying the community. Majority of people on here are very supportive and ambitious and want to make something out of their life, i think its a perfect place if you want your voice to be heard! Alla x

Likewise Alla, I've been pumped to contribute and find the gems in the maze. Sure, not every post is a hit, not all the content on trending is something I like or believe in - but the bottomline is that the potential is great, and it will only become greater with time.

yeah i agree :))) I think building reputation thats whats important!

Building a network is what it's all about!

Right now we're not seeing as much of that as we should, beyond the upvote bots and the trending page being dominated by 'featured writers' who use the bots as platform - but I do believe we will see a lot more of it in the future!

yeah probably!! well we are early adopters :))

Hey good job! I think the Bitcoin/Ethereum subs might be difficult. A lot of Bitcoin maximalism goes on... if you go after them I would go with 'Blogging is the New Mining... Not sure what other subreddits are good.. Reddit alternatives/blogging/writing/photography/making money/travel? I would also A/B test various ad copies. I'm trying out: Make Money Sharing Your Life & Passions. Not sure if that's effective.. Blog. Get Paid. It's good to experiment with a few...

Yup, I fully agree that testing and retesting is a vital part of our strategies. I figured the current line would mesh well with the investors, but I didn't really consider people bagholding their currency or platform because of maximalism.

I admire the tag line "Join for the money, stay for the community". Condenses a coming of age-novel into one sentence. Congrats!

I'm happy you like it! Let's hope it gets us a bunch of new adopters <3

Wow, nice! I hope this will help steemit become even more popular!

We could hit 100K users end of this month.

100k is very optimistic, but who knows! I've seen stranger things happen overnight!

Upvoted baby!

Oh is this a whale watcher post, good job, maybe you will make bank with this post lol

The Tyrone video doesn't really sell it for me. Maybe it works for some people.

Thank you for the feedback! I have more material cooking up, with varied tones and avenues.

  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment