Wall Street the Major Force Behind Europe's Energy Crunch.

in markets •  3 years ago  (edited)

Today we will look at why, in our opinion, the energy crunch or crisis is here to stay and why it is not really based on free markets but on the bankers' climate agenda.

We will look at why natural gas despite being a fossil fuel is a more advantageous source of energy than coal and oil as carbon emissions entitlement futures or EUA continue to move higher.

Our conclusion is that Wall Street or the major international banks are driving EUA futures in order to push industry and consumers into renewables. In the meantime though that's why we should continue to experience higher prices of natural gas.

UN UNCED Earth Summit 1992 by George Hunt:

Natural Gas Explained: https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/natural-gas/natural-gas-and-the-environment.php


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Thanks again for keeping us updated, informed & educated, Maneco64 - @maneco64. If only they could come up with fiat Carbon.