RE: Marriage? Not for me. Here's why..

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Marriage? Not for me. Here's why..

in marriage •  7 years ago 

No-one should ever question or ridicule your dreams @yasminep or pressure you to fit in with their ideas, their model of what you 'should' do with your own life. True love does not require a piece of paper to sanctify your union with the person you love, nor does it require the wearing of a ring to bind you together.
Just because a path is well trodden does not make it the way to go...I admire you for walking your talk, and following your own inner compass to guide you in creating your own dreams. ⭐️❤️😊

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Thank you so much, Lily! You've put a huge smile on my face today. Everyone really does have a different journey!

Very glad you are smiling @yasminep! You have every right to be proud of your choices and path. That is something to celebrate and honour and value very highly. Our unique perspectives and journeys are there for all of us to be enriched, inspired and encouraged, not smothered, criticised or pressured to fit in with the "norm." And these days, what exactly IS "normal" anyway? 😊

So very, very true! I love your positivity! Keep being you, I think you're wonderful :-)

Awww thanks honey...thats really "sweet" 😊
Sorry even I groan at my own puns sometimes 😱😄😎